in macromedia fireworks, how do you create animated gifs? my free gif maker license has run out and it keeps watermarking them.
Photoshop LT wont do animantions. Does the latest full version of photoshop do them?
in macromedia fireworks, how do you create animated gifs? my free gif maker license has run out and it keeps watermarking them.
Photoshop LT wont do animantions. Does the latest full version of photoshop do them?
Catch me on MSN Andy and I can guide you through it in Fireworks. Photoshop itself doesn't do them but you'll have got a version of ImageReady with Photoshop - that will do the animated gifs. Once again, catch me on MSN if you want to go through it in ImageReady.
Or do you need to know right now?
no, not now... just making up a new sig and found my gif maker has taken its ball home. I knew FW could do it, but it seemed complicated with symbols etc
In Fireworks duplicate your basic frame (as many as you need for the animation) and make the changes on them. Once you've done it once it's really very easy, you just need pointing in the right direction as it's not immediately clear.
Then depending how you want it animated, you'll either have to speed it up on slow it down. This is done by increasing or decreasing the number on the right of your frame. (in the frame drop down slide)
You don't need to mess around with symbols.
Simplest way is to use the frames palette. Set out your first frame of the animation then go to the frames palette and in the top right of it (the options menu thing) choose add frame or duplicate frame - depending on what will work best for you and keep adding frames that you need. You'll see the frames add to the list with a number to the right of each - this is the delay in 100ths of a second. So a one second delay would need 100 in there.
Once you're happy with the animation, you can then export it with the export wizard.
If your animation is more complex, you can use layers instead and create frames from there but I'd think the frames palette will probably do you.
Once again, if you have a problem catch me on MSN and I can guide you through it.
That's what I was saying!!! ;-)
thanks guys, i'll have a go tonight
Ohhh get you.Originally Posted by Duncan
Its ok... you can both have one of these
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