is it just me ?
but i can never seem to get owt done , its either the weathers crap
herindoors has better plans, lol
still darkish early on a night
too cold !
got a feeling the vec might go i can get it how i want !
is it just me ?
but i can never seem to get owt done , its either the weathers crap
herindoors has better plans, lol
still darkish early on a night
too cold !
got a feeling the vec might go i can get it how i want !
Been out and washed the cars this morning!!
Too cold - got three cars to service but don't fancy getting cold
Fitted new slimline ballast last night in the dark. It was cold too.
Started to drill the holes for a new ally footrest in the back garden.
Also working on a windowed laser etched xbox 360 mod.
Will be leding up a preface light switch ready for sale today.
So nope not fed up yet lol
had a really busy jan n feb with one thing and another and all family stuff.
i did manage a day to get my lip off and new eyebrows into a mate for painting and also help a few mates with issues with there car's though.
now my car is sat patiently waiting till next month before she is touched again, the mrs's new car comes next month too so will be dedicating a good few days to both of them
Similar, yes, need to sort out the boxes in the garage and make space for more, get my vinyl record collection and anything else we want down from storage garage and dispose of the rest. Got around a 2 inch thick pile of letters and forms to fill in/reply to and so many jobs around the house piling up I'll never clear them all - and the poor Vec is getting hammered doing double duty till Wendy's new car arrives. Good news on that is it's been built and is in the country. Trouble is, Wendy has pans that involve cars for this week. Maybe March will be the month the Vec gets a rest and some TLC
Tbh this time of year is pretty depressing as the weathers crap and its dark when I'm not working, but when weather changes for the better I've got a shed load of stuff to do
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