Every so often my Cruise Control will turn itself off, usually I notice but it is quite annoying. Any ideas? Its a Vec C 150. Never had this issue before. Runs fine 90% of the time and always turns on no problem.
Every so often my Cruise Control will turn itself off, usually I notice but it is quite annoying. Any ideas? Its a Vec C 150. Never had this issue before. Runs fine 90% of the time and always turns on no problem.
First thing to check is the clutch return spring.
Hi - Don't know if you've solved this but I had similar problem (Vectra C 1.9 CDTI 150bhp) and tried various things including trying to tighten clutch and brake pedal assemblies. What finally sorted it was when the ECU was interrogated and found a number of errors etc etc. The mechanic checked these (finding little wrong) and then cleared the memory. Cruise control fine since!!
you could also try cleaning the end of the stalk aswell
I had this exact problem a few months back, it was the alternator lol
First thing was the cruise control just turning off randomly, next my radio started to shut down randomly, then it was everything lol, finally the power steering would fail and my dash would blink on and off and click like crazy.
Got the same problem on mine... gotta look at the stalk itself... might reqiuire a new one
Tried a new stalk, already had a new alternator. Checked clutch return spring. I think there may be a more deep seeded problem with the engine causing this as I have other engine issues. Thanks for the advice though.
I had same problem, and others. Buy some contact cleaner, cheap from Toolstation, WD40 is not really any gooid, clean ABS connector, also remove Indicator stalk and wipe the contacts at the end of the stalk, use cotton buds to clean contacts in CIM, spray switches in outer end of stalk, refit.
I had criuse problem and EHPS light on, Airbag lights.
Criuse fixed by doing above. EHPS was a broken wire at the steering sensor. Airbag, cleaned the obvious connector under the seat, on floor, no joy, found connector attached to seat at the front on the frame of the seat, removed that and cleaned, Airbag problem now solved.
Also if traction control gets activated (i.e. wheel slippage detected) this cancels cruise control. I've noticed it in teh past when tyres were getting low on tread and very heavy rain.
This can be caused as others have said by defective/dirty abs sensors and reluctor rings, tyres having markedly different amounts of treadwear, etc.
Just for reference chaps, it ended up being related to my EGR issue (now blanked) which when it stuck it would often restrict vehicle power and the cruise would automaticall turn itself off. Now I have blanked my EGR I havent had the issue in thousands of miles.
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