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Thread: Lookout for my sister's horsebox - stolen

  1. #1
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    Default Lookout for my sister's horsebox - stolen

    Long story behind this one......

    But the outshoot is that my sister has had a Ford Cargo Horse box stolen from Cresswell - Nottinghamshire.
    Reg No TVR _80X

    Blue in colour

    Anyone from that area - please keep your eyes open for it - it is probably not far from that location.

    The story -
    My sister saw it for sale on ebay - advised the seller that she wanted to view the vehicle in her week off (last week) - which was after the auction close - so the seller withdrew it from sale.

    She went and collected the vehicle - drove for 10 miles and it broke down on the A1. The recovery service who arrived knew what the fault was instantly as it had happened to the same vehicle a fortnight previous. With the advice of the recovey service and the police she returned it to the person she bought it from - and guess what - they were nowhere to be seen. Following this she has returned home and has subsequently had a phone call from someone anonymous stating that "its in the way - I've moved it if I dont get £200 you wont see it again" - with no name or number - this is a little hard to do?? Therefore it is now officially stolen.

    Any help appreciated

  2. #2
    Regular Member Richard's Avatar
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    Hi Kitchpoo

    Have circulated this round my Daughter's horsey crowd. They will kepp an eye in the Leeds/Harrogate areas and also the Rufforth Sales just in case they try to sell it again.

    Bad luck, I hope you either find out who left the message or find the box soon.

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