just got myself a pair for a fitted price of 55quid, I know they arent the best at that price have any of you got them or used them?
just got myself a pair for a fitted price of 55quid, I know they arent the best at that price have any of you got them or used them?
if you mean Event tyres who do mobile fitting, there cheapest tyre for my size was £64 it just says a BUDGET tyre, also the Falken 912s were £84 if you buy four,, I can get them for £69 fitted/ balanced etc, so er,,, no not used them
Event are another Chinese "brand" of budget tyre, the problems come from the inconsistency in batch to batch rubber and the vulcanisation process some batches grip like baby poo to a blanket, others fall off the road if it has a camber!
Bed them in and take it gently till you find their adhesion limits is probably the safest policy
dont usually drive like a nutter anyway, 48.000 on rears on original tyres and still 4mm! Thanx 4 reply.
225 45 17. Get them that price thru my work, local guy gives us a discount
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