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Thread: Which powerful diesel engine? (Newbie questions)

  1. #1
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    Question Which powerful diesel engine? (Newbie questions)

    Hi All,

    I presently have a 2.0 TDi Vectra B and I'm looking to sell that and upgrade to a Vectra C. My daily commute is 25 miles (i.e. 50miles round trip) on motorway, and once a week I also have to drive up North, which is about a 450mile round trip. So I'm looking for something comfortable on the motorway.

    I think I want a 2.2 Diesel SRi, or maybe the 3.0 Diesel SRi.
    (The 3.2 V6 petrol GSi would be great, except that it won't do more than mid-high 20's on a run, and I need more than that!)

    So which should I get? And what kind of tuning do people do to these cars? What's the standard power and torque from each engine, and how much does a remap add, and what will it cost?

    Finally, I've seen some with Auto boxes instead of Manual. This might be nice for my commute... but are there any problems with the Auto? (i.e. expensive repairs, or poor drive-ability, or poor fuel economy etc?)

    (PS - sorry for so many questions in one place, but I've heard this is a pretty knowledgeable forum, so hopefully you guys can help me out!!)
    Last edited by MAD7BOY; 14th November 2010 at 03:17.

  2. #2
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    I have just picked up a 1.9 cdti 120 bhp signum and i am impressed, cruise control, air con the lot......

    What you budget?????????????????

  3. #3
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    Hi Steve. Good point: Budget is about £4k. I think I'm probably looking for something with more poke than the 1.9 to be honest.

  4. #4
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    Depends on th readies...............

    Is a 2.2 DTI faster? I think the 3.0 v6 is actually slower than the 1.9 150bhp with worse economy.

    I was in a simala situation - but i wanted the 150 bhp as the older engines are slower but perhaps more reliable. Thats why i decided on the 1.9 120bhp it seemed a good comprimise almost as fast without as many probs

    4K you could get an good car..................just look around and be patiient

  5. #5
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    ive got the 150 and had it remaped , but the on your driving you should get 40+ daily and well over 50 on the longer run had mine 18 months now and it still makes me smile when i put my foot down . khalid

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    Quote Originally Posted by steve533 View Post
    Depends on th readies...............

    Is a 2.2 DTI faster? I think the 3.0 v6 is actually slower than the 1.9 150bhp with worse economy.

    I was in a simala situation - but i wanted the 150 bhp as the older engines are slower but perhaps more reliable. Thats why i decided on the 1.9 120bhp it seemed a good comprimise almost as fast without as many probs

    4K you could get an good car..................just look around and be patiient
    The 3.0 slower than the 1.9?? Seriously?? That doesn't sound right to me to be honest. I know everyone loves their own car, but that's quite a claim for a 1.9 to be quicker than a 3.0...

    Quote Originally Posted by happypostie View Post
    ive got the 150 and had it remaped , but the on your driving you should get 40+ daily and well over 50 on the longer run had mine 18 months now and it still makes me smile when i put my foot down . khalid
    What engine is in "the 150"? (Sorry, I'm new to these cars. Is there a wiki or FAQ which lists the engine combinations and trim levels available with some performance or engine output info?)

    How much was the remap, and how much difference does it make?


  7. #7
    Ex-Staff Full Member John LE's Avatar
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    Vehicle : Facelift Insignia/Corsa D

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    Engine : 2.0 cdti/1.6 Turbo

    Year : 13/07


    Simple as this

    2.0dti 100BHP
    2.2dti 123BHP
    1.9 cdti 8v 120BHP
    1.9 cdti 16v 150BHP
    Pre-face 3.0 V6 cdti 175BHP
    Facelift 3.0 V6 cdti 184BHP

    The bhp's for the v6 ar just an estimate as I know they are around about that figure.

    The dti's are tunable but the options are limited, the 120/150 cdti are very tunable but they have been known to have their fair share of problems and the v6 cdti isn't really tunable at all tbh (unless you want to be fitting new fuel pumps)

  8. #8
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    IMO the 150 1.9 seems to be more comfortable if it has long runs regularly, very tunable and just as fast as my vec B GSI if not faster, and instead of averaging 22MPG on my GSI, my average is around 45-50, and whilst on motorway i get back about 55-60mpg!!!

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    Check out the massive list of faults with the 1.9 150 before you buy one. Just thought I'd point it out as no one else has.

    Also the 150 isn't faster than the V6, I have seen this in action more than once! It's also a lot more reliable. Although some do have their problems.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by john.robertson2 View Post
    2.0dti 100BHP
    2.2dti 123BHP
    1.9 cdti 8v 120BHP
    1.9 cdti 16v 150BHP
    Pre-face 3.0 V6 cdti 175BHP
    Facelift 3.0 V6 cdti 184BHP
    Diesels are about torque, not power
    Could you post the torque beside each

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