Vectra C rear drivers side door removal
, 27th December 2016 at 11:22 (12901 Views)
Morning Folks - new to the form so sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Need some advice please - 2007 Vectra C 1.9 CDTI SRI owner for the last 10 years (had 2 before this as well - guess I kinda like em)
I have scraped the rear drivers side door and am going to get one from a scrapyard to replace it (hopefully in the same star silver) - how do you get the old one off?
I take it i need to slacken the two star bolts on the hinges then drive out the retaining pins? (which way up or down and how the hell do you get at them?)
Also how does the check strap come off?
by the way bought my car 10 years ago and have done 180,000 miles in it - doesn't use a drop of oil or lose a drop, original exhaust, EGR (cleaned at 100k) 2 x cambelts, 1 x clutch, oil change every 10k from 100k and still gives me 50+ mpg - if that isnt a good advert for a Vectra I don't know what is!!!