On wed evening i got the dreaded phone call you never want to get, the wife phoning to say her and Jack (son) had been involved in a crash. Basicly Jack was driving, the car in front of him had stopped to turn right, jack pulled up behind it then another car pulled up behind him, then another car came flying up and smashed into the car behind jack forcing her car into the back of our car 08 corsa. After a bit of shouting and swearing the driver who caused the crash apologised and admitted liability, the police came out breathalised all drivers and took statemants. The middle car was totaly blitzed, our car has 3.5k of damage, but remarkably and thankfully nobody was seriously injured.

After an hour or so my wife started to get pain around her neck and shoulders so i thought i'd better get them both checked out at the walk in centre. Jack got examined first and was given the all clear apart from aches and pains to neck chest and shoulders, then Rosie went in to get examined, when he pressed on top of her spine she nearly jumped off her seat. He then told her that he was gonna have to put her in a nack brace and send her to hospital by ambulance. She had x-rays taken and spent 14 hours in a neck brace before she as finally given the all clear (releif).

Makes you think about things differently, like what if it was more serious and i had lost them both, you could never get over that.

Sorry for the long post people.