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Thread: Just around the corner!

  1. #1
    Regular Member SignumPhil's Avatar
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    Default Just around the corner!

    Luton station is about 100yds from our office. We weren't evacuated, but it was very quiet for a while. Apart from the TV company trucks, looking for somewhere to park!


  2. #2
    Regular Member bruceybonus's Avatar
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    doesn't it seem a bit odd, that the police have had all these raids today, and so mich info seems to be coming out all of a sudden....I bet nobody is going to stop the introduction of the identity cards now! or is that me just being cynical?--- theories anyone?

  3. #3
    Regular Member JCB's Avatar
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    the identity cards could be a good idea - however -

    1. the gov. are not putting the correct info on them (no DNA etc)
    2. they'll cost too much
    3. if your in the country illegally anyway - your not going to have/want one (just like gypos who drive without licences etc.) - so you'll still be able to go about your bomb making as normal
    4. aren't they just going to be forged too? (stolen, sold on black (no pun intended) market)

    this crappy goverment is setting itself up for another big fall - the best way to protect this country is to split allegance to Bush and the US.

    The cards need to be basic -

    - name
    - address
    - photo
    - DNA code

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