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Thread: 'Creaky' Clutch - Is it normal?

  1. #1
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    Question 'Creaky' Clutch - Is it normal?

    I have a 1.8SXi Vectra which I bought back in April. Great car, apart from some irritating electrics and 'nanny' features (maybe i'll start another thread about that lot).

    One thing, however, that is bothering me a bit is the 'feel' of the clutch. When I 'take up drive' it doesn't feel as smooth as it should to me. There's almost a creaky feel to it. That's the best description I can give! Everything works OK at the moment but i'm just hoping it's not a pre-cursor to something failing. It's most noticeable when in traffic queues, hence lots of clutch work.

    Do all Vectra C clutches have this quirk to them? If they do, then perhaps I shouldn't be concerned. I know a few of you have had problems with clutches and also that there's a VX modification out there. Does anyone have any more detail?

  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin / Founder Duncan's Avatar
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    Can't see I've noticed anything like what you have described with my clutch. The only problem that I'm aware of is that the clutch switch has a tendency to fail, therefore causing the cruise control to not work.

    I'm not at home at the moment, but when I'm back (tomorrow) I'll look and see if there are any known problems relating to the clutch.



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    Default 'Creaky' Clutch - Is it normal?

    My pedal makes this noise when taking up drive, but not when engine is off and the pedal pressed. I think I said earlier that the noise is being transmitted through the hydraulic fluid from the clutch. Any idea's.


  4. #4
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    Funny enough since leaving that post nothing untoward happened and now, by and by, everything seems fine.

    I did lubricate the pedal linkage and surrounding area, I think that helped; it may have originated from the clutch return spring. To be honest it gradually lessened over time. The other explanation might be that it was coming from the rubbers in the slave cylinder and the 'creak' was, as you say, transmitted through the fluid line. Many, many years ago I had a 1975 MG midget with a hydraulic clutch. The slave cylinder started leaking and I replaced the rubber seals, for a while after there was a real squeaky feel to the clutch pedal until everything wore in. This could be the same thing I guess.

    Is there an actual noise in your case or can you just 'feel' it through the pedal?

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