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Thread: Origin B2 Safety alert system?

  1. #1
    Regular Member Inspektor's Avatar
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    Question Origin B2 Safety alert system?

    I need to get one of these quickly but don't have the £430 asking price!
    Does anyone know of anywhere that will do these on finance/credit that is an authorized Origin dealer? I don't have a credit card and don't want one (nasty little bits of plastic).
    I have heard that for the warranty and registration to work you have to buy these from an Origin authorized dealer. I have done numerous searches but can’t find anywhere and endless mails to Origin with no replies!
    I do not condone speeding, but you know how it is sometimes you just creep up above the limit and with some counties practicing zero tolerance, my license is very precious to me.
    Thanks anyone.

  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin / Founder Duncan's Avatar
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    Have you tried the reseller locator on the origin website? Tap in your postcode and it shows you the authorised dealers in your area. One of them may offer some sort of payment terms?

    You're right to want to buy from an authorised dealer. If you don't then you won't get support from origin and the warranty on the unit is only 28 days and not 2 years. Although I think they will have a job 'enforcing' that last bit given the latest changes in the consumer laws!!!!



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