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Thread: Polishes, waxes, car shampoo's, bodycare ???

  1. #1
    Regular Member suj786's Avatar
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    Default Polishes, waxes, car shampoo's, bodycare ???

    I need to get the car polished and all shiny shiny before the weather gets too wet up here. I was in halfords today but got a bit confused with all the products. Firstly any tips on whats the best manufacturer to go with e.g. Autoglym, Meguiars, turtlewax etc.

    secondly I found to so many different kinds of polishes from the same manufacturer

    How does this work ? HELP !!!

    I used to get some Autoglym Super Resin polish and that was the end of it, but got a feeling I'm missin out on something.

    I've seen some really tidy cars in the gallery, Wat do you guys use.

    is there a Poll on this subject ?

  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin & Founder Graeme's Avatar
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    I use mostly autoglym mate. Though have been dabbling with Meguires also.
    Before it gets wet up here lol

    check out this thread mate

  3. #3
    Ex Vec-C Admin & Founder Graeme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graeme
    I use mostly autoglym mate. Though have been dabbling with Meguires also.
    Before it gets wet up here lol

    check out this thread mate

    my routine
    autoglym bodywork shampoo
    autoglym super resin polish
    autoglym extra gloss protection
    meguires carnuba wax

  4. #4
    Regular Member suj786's Avatar
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    I've just found a really funky car clinic thing on Meguiars web-site, it asks you a bunch of questions, then tells you what products you should use and why ?

    very educating and handy

    thanks for the advice graeme.

  5. #5
    Ex Vec-C Admin & Founder Graeme's Avatar
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    no worries mate. I need to do the same myself and get the old headlamp protectors back on. ****** weather aint helping though

  6. #6
    Regular Member blr123's Avatar
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    Hi all,

    That's a good routine Graeme, the only thing I would add is to use clay after washing and before applying polish...............if you have never used it you cannot imagine the dif it will make.

    Also suj, you could try Meaguiars DC#1, DC#2 & DC#3 that gives the car the full treatment and again after the wash I would clay the car, Meguiars Quick Clay comes with the lub asewll and claing only takes about 20mins or so but it is an absolute MUST DO , the above could all but irradicate swirls etc

    Remember preperation is all............preperation will determine the just seems a shame to miss out the first stage and a vital stage at that


    PS did everyone get their #21? that's the stuff to use as a sealer prior to waxing oh yeah
    Last edited by blr123; 10th October 2005 at 15:54.

  7. #7
    Regular Member Andy's Avatar
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    some would argue that carnuaba waxes dont take well to being applied over a synthetic sealant. I know on Autopia some users have had this trouble and the wax actually dulls the finish.

    A sealent is just the articfical route to providing protection, carnauba is the natural way.... like choosing petrol or diesel.

    Certainly up to final stage application theres not an issue but i think your wasting energy and product applying wax over a sealent. Also, if you really want to go this route, make sure its a pure canuaba wax that your applying. Things like NXT or goldclass contain mild cleaners in too as they designed as a 'wash and go' product and will just strip off all the previous coats of products you have applied.

    The secret is buying a good wax/sealent is like choosing a wife. You’ve got to pick one that does as its told, does what it says it will, looks great when spread over your car and is easy to work with. Like women, no two blokes find the same qualities in a woman so you have to find the one that suits you. I started on Autoglym, moved to megiuars, moved onto P21s, onto Souveran wax at £40 a tub and back to meguiars DC1,2 & 3 now. Tried specialist Glazes and sealents like omega Glaze and Poorboys EX and didn’t really get on with them. The search continues.

  8. #8
    Ex Vec-C Admin & Founder Bainie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy

    The secret is buying a good wax/sealent is like choosing a wife. You’ve got to pick one that does as its told, does what it says it will, looks great when spread over your car and is easy to work with. Like women, no two blokes find the same qualities in a woman so you have to find the one that suits you. .

    *LOL* well put Andy, I still like maguires but am sure I could be tempted away by some new tasty little number if it came along, the maguires smells so nice as well !!

    I don`t think I would clay everytime I washed though, bit of an overkill ?

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    Regular Member Andy's Avatar
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    Claying everytime is excessive and not needed. I would say every 3 months would be adequate unless for a special reason, eg I had clayed mine, went to a wedding, parked under some trees and got the car covered in sap so did it again the following weekend.

    If you like smelly wax (goldclass smells like Baileys lol)... Try Souveran.... Smells like bananas lol. Or try some smartwax, they call it cherrywax for the obvious reason.

  10. #10
    Regular Member blr123's Avatar
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    Yes you're rite Andy but, without being rude, I recon most on the forum will not have clayed there car.

    Also you are correct about washing away, what I do is after the weeknly wash I apply NXT Spary Wax and it looks like it has just been done all over again


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