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Thread: Vauxhall HQ are on the case now

  1. #1
    Regular Member Andy's Avatar
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    Default Vauxhall HQ are on the case now

    Im not sure if ive told anyone yet but ive been having a real hassle with the aftersales at Reg Vardy Vauxhall, Gateshead.

    I bought my Elite 2 months ago, the very same weekend that they were being taken over by Reg Vardy (previously Priory). Problems started that week when just after i'd signed the order form and paid the deposit, the salemans suddenly 'remembers' that they are being taken over that coming weekend and it may mean i wont get the car that week. Typical.

    Sure enough, the car arrived on the friday but he told me he couldnt let me have it till the following week as they had been told not to sell anything over the changeover. Frustration, and in hindsight, a warning buzzer.

    I pick the car up the following monday and sign all the papers. Again, just after i'd signed, the salesman hands me A key, yes ONE key and says theres been a mix up with the keys. 2 keys came but the spare wasnt for this car so they were ordering me a 2nd and would let me know when its in stock. I'd also reported that i wanted a faded chrome trim replacing, which again was on order.
    The salesman said the network Q warranty info would be sent through the post.

    1 month later and nothing. I rang up and the salesman said he thought it was all sorted but would chase things up.

    2 weeks later, still nothing so i reported it to Network Q customer services, who had siad she had spoken to the dealer and things were being sorted.

    2 weeks further on, to present day and still nothing. So i ring Reg Vardy head office and complain about lack of aftersales service. Within 20 minutes the salesmanger at the dealer phones me and says he has spoken to the salesman who assured him that he had left a message on my mobile. This is know is pure lies as i have only just activated my voicemail yesterday (i didnt realise it needed activating lol). He assured me the key had been ordered.

    I then get a call from Vauxhall head office, network Q manager to ask if everything was sorted. I told him the dealers salesmanager had promised the Key, but i was still waiting for the network Q info. He put me on hold and rang his warranty section. When he came back he said that my car hadnt been put forward for Network Q coverage so wasnt on their system. Slightly embarrassed and flumexed he said he would call the dealer and 'get this matter sorted out'.

    Now.... to recap, this is my situation;

    2months after buying a 10month old vectra from a main dealer, i still waiting for
    1) a spare key (told its been ordered)
    2) discoloured trim to be replaced (looks like its been forgotten about)
    3) discover my car hasnt been covered under netQ warranty for the last 2 months.

    Now legally, what am i entitled to here? The things im pee'd off about are the inconvienceof only 1 key when both me and my wife drive the car. And my lack of warranty cover for 2 months, and not been offered the 30 day exchange offer under netQ.

    Need advise.

  2. #2
    On a Sabbatical
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    I'm no expert mate, but it's a problem for Vx head office to sort out. Tell them you want this sorted in 1 week or a replacement car.

    Go and have a face to face chat with the Sales Manager at Reg Vardy, and get that Salesman in that said that he left a message on your mobile. See if he can look you in the eye.

  3. #3
    Ex Vec-C Admin / Founder Duncan's Avatar
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    I think all that you would be 'entitled' to would be to have the Network Q warranty put into place on your car. Strictly, this would be from the date that you took delivery of the car. The fact that you haven't had any Network Q warranty cover for the past two months is, strictly, something that hasn't affected you - i.e. you haven't had to pay out for anything to be fixed because you had no Network Q warranty.

    That doesn't mean that you can't push to get some sort of recompense or good will gesture from them. If I was you, I'd push them to get the warranty in place, but from the day that they sort it out and not from when you got the car - i.e. 'extend' it by two months.

    As for the key and the chrome strips, keep on their case until they get them sorted. It probably isn't something you can use to push them for any sort of further compensation. One is just a cosmetic issue, the other is a convenience thing. it's not stopping you from driving the car etc.



  4. #4
    Regular Member ion's Avatar
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    Two very good answers there.

    A meeting with the sales manager is definitley needed, as well as telling him, take the main points you want to make in a letter with a reasonable time deadline, as AJA suggests a week. Send a copy then to Vx head office with an outline of the dealers response and assurance of when the work will be done after the meeting as well. Everyone then will be in no doubt that although you are not shouting etc. (which doesnt usually work) you are serious & will not be "fobbed off"

    If everything is then resolved, fine, no need to proceed, if not make all further correspondance in writing to build a "history" up & threaten Trading standards & rejecting the car (I don't think you actually could reject the car though as its fit for the purpose it was sold for). I know someone who rejected an Alfa GTV & ended up with massive headaches & losses.

    It should not go that far anyway as the dealer is clearly in the wrong & would be suicidal not to put things right.

    Pushing for recompense is a good idea, just see what you can get. I doubt if they will extend NetQ as the terms are strict but you never know.

    Hope this helps.


  5. #5
    Regular Member Andy's Avatar
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    Ok, we have some progress this morning.

    The netQ manager has obviously been busy as the salesman has rung me. He says he has been sorting it out and leaving it in other peoples hands to complete, which they havent been doing. He said theres been a problem with my reg and vin number so the system had been rejecting the order. He needs my vin number to proceed.

    Also, re the netq, what has happened is that they havent sent the info through the computer, so the netq manager has instructed them to do it manually. What I will end up with is a network q warranty from today, rather than 2 months ago.

  6. #6
    Ex Vec-C Admin / Founder Duncan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy
    What I will end up with is a network q warranty from today, rather than 2 months ago.
    Excellent! - result!


  7. #7
    Regular Member ion's Avatar
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    At least it looks like they are trying to sort it. I think you should be fine now, they will probably fall over themselves to put things right now they recognised what a b**** up they made of it.

    The Net Q from today is great, does you a big favour, extra 2 months warranty is good (hope you don't need it though).


  8. #8
    Ex Vec-C Admin / Founder Duncan's Avatar
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    PMSL at Andy's Avatar and new User Title!! LOL


  9. #9
    Regular Member Andy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan
    PMSL at Andy's Avatar and new User Title!! LOL

    lol, im not the one at the front in case anyone asks

  10. #10
    Regular Member SignumPhil's Avatar
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    I'c be very tempted to ask what else they're going to do. Ask for a "gesture of goodwill". Maybe a free service, or an accessory or two........


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