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  1. #1
    Regular Member denzo's Avatar
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    Default Service Questions


    My car is just over 1 year old; I'm on Eco Flex Service (a few weeks ago pressed the trip computer and got 5000 miles to service).

    Haven't travelled 5000 miles and now the oil can and spanner are showing when start up car and when take key out ... guess this means that a Service is due.

    Car has done 15,000 miles ....

    Should I get a year 1 Eco Service done or a First Service on Eco Flex Service done?
    I think the cost of eco-flex is twice normal service ( dunno and can't work out why).

    I thought the service light would not come on for another 6 months or so, so am a little suprised

    Any advice welcomed ...

  2. #2
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    the service light will come if needed
    the eco-flex service is what you should go for
    main differance on the differant services is a long life oil filter and extra long life oil on the eco-flex
    really depends on how the car is driven to when the service light will come on

  3. #3
    Regular Member ion's Avatar
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    Hello Denzo,

    As you know I had a 12 month Eco service cos the dealers recommended it. I now found out from this site that I had to do so to get 2nd yr AA cover & warranty anyway so I had no choice really.

    Ask a few dealers by you the difference in price if they carry out the eco or ecoflex service. Then you'll have a direct comparison to make & it'll be easier to decide, in the long run it doesnt seem to make much difference I don't think.

    I'm surprised that you only got 15000 miles for eco flex though, I had 12000 on mine when I had 12 month service. You probably drive like me - slaughtering it, so the light would come on earlier. Because of this I prefer 12 m servicing, I know the light would come on quick for me! (My tyres are already a good few mm down on the front)

    As I said to you I had mine done for £115, somebody else on here (can't remember who) got his for £111, so it must be about right for 12 m service.

    Tomorrow I'll call the dealer if I get 5 & find out how much a 2nd service would be out of interest. (I think they told be about £130 but could be wrong).

    Hope that helps, & doesnt add to the confusion!


  4. #4
    Regular Member ion's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Nice colour car you have BTW, obviously you have taste, you picked easily the best colour by far.

  5. #5
    Regular Member denzo's Avatar
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    Cheers Ion,

    Silver Lightning is a great colour ... really comes alive in the sunshine

  6. #6
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    I'm confused with my servicing now!

    When I got the car, I was told that it wouldn't need servicing for 2 years or 20,000 miles - whichever comes first.

    I probably do about 12-13,000 a year so this would make it 18 months or so for servicing. Would it be better to just put it in after 12 months for a service?

    If so, would it then need it's "proper" service after just 6 months or would the 12 month service just extend my next servicing interval for a year, or would I get a "two-year" service done which would mean I get another 18 months until the next service?

    There's too many servicing options!

  7. #7
    Regular Member Lloydy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adamant
    I'm confused with my servicing now!

    When I got the car, I was told that it wouldn't need servicing for 2 years or 20,000 miles - whichever comes first.
    But how does that work with the warranty? Do it require that the car be serviced at an authorised Vauxhall dealer every 12 months?

  8. #8
    Regular Member ion's Avatar
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    Yes it is too complicated & confusing.

    The dealers in midlands advised me to service every 12 months. I'm told you have to to do this anyway for AA membership & 2nd & 3rd yr warranty.

    Its not guaranteed to be 2yrs & 20000 miles, service light could come on earlier.

    This was discussed somewhere else but I can't remember where. I'll try to find it if I get 5.

    I would check with your own dealer as well, It seems you get different answers depending on which dealer you talk to (typical).


  9. #9
    Regular Member denzo's Avatar
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    Got my car booked in for its first ECO FLEX service (with long life oil) = £150

    I rang a number of dealerships who told me that Vx had stopped Eco-Flex therefore I had to accept 1 year / 12000 mile service; That's not what Vx HQ told me today I said .... Vx said they had dropped the ECO Flex for MY 2006 because of customer feedback and confusion.

    Another dealer said that my car didn't need a service (I told them the indicator was up, oil can and spanner) - they said leave it until 30,000 miles or 2 years (I asked would that invalidate my Warranty and that I actually wanted the service )

    Went back to my local dealer, who have not been too co-operative in the past ... they were nice as pie, car booked in, Service dept open until 7pm, Courtesy Car booked for me at no extra cost ... sorted (I Hope )

    I now have 14000 miles ....

  10. #10
    Regular Member Basil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adamant
    I'm confused with my servicing now!

    When I got the car, I was told that it wouldn't need servicing for 2 years or 20,000 miles - whichever comes first.

    I probably do about 12-13,000 a year so this would make it 18 months or so for servicing. Would it be better to just put it in after 12 months for a service?

    If so, would it then need it's "proper" service after just 6 months or would the 12 month service just extend my next servicing interval for a year, or would I get a "two-year" service done which would mean I get another 18 months until the next service?

    There's too many servicing options!
    I totally agree with you there mate, when I bought mine it had just over 12,000 on the clock and the service light came on after only 14,500, so I checked the service book it it stated that there are two different levels dependant on engine type.

    The first level requires servicing intervals of 12,000 or one year
    The second requires intervals of 30,000 or two years

    Now thats all fine and dandy if you know which engine type you slot into (and i know servicing is dependant on the way it's driven) but I haven't got a clue and so have to rely on the service light.

    It's very confuddling

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