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Thread: To sell or no to sell?

  1. #1
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    Default To sell or no to sell?

    I am at a crossroads with my 04 Vectra GSi I have had her since May and love it to bits what a car! The problem I have facing me is this myself and the family are going travelling next year for around 10 months, which option should I choose.

    1 Keep it and use the car on my return (car stored with a relative who will use it now and then).

    2 Sell the car now pay off the finance and buy a runaround until we leave.

    3 Keep the car until next year use it until we go then sell close to our departure.

    Also what do people reckon its worth the car is a 04 plate with 11000 miles i'm the second owner FVSH excellent condition finished in red its a standrad spec model and comes with xneons.

    What would you do

    ps the thought of selling is turning my stomach

  2. #2
    Regular Member Trel's Avatar
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    Bit tough this one Mike. You mention finance, so if to sell are there and early repayment penalties. On the other hand if you keep it in storage you are paying the interest all the while.

    Then there the love of the car, keep it.

  3. #3
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    yip, keep it, your only going for 10months, not like your emigrating, it'll be something to look forward to on your return.

  4. #4
    Regular Member Gsi3.2's Avatar
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    If I was in your position, there'd be no way I'd get shot of the car. If you can afford to keep it, Do. Like Trel say's there can be hidden repayment charges on finance agreements. read your paperwork carefully.

    Lodge the car with a family member, with their details on the log book.Then you have'nt got to look for a SMASHIN car when you come back...

  5. #5
    On a Sabbatical
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    If you can afford it mate, keep it. You could always sell a low mileage GSI on your return. As Vx will no longer be making any more GSI's.............

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