hi guys got a bit of a tricky one here if anyone can help.first of all the car is a vectra 2006 sri2.0 turbo petrol.i had a slow battery drain on the car so i connected a meter on the battery and started to pull out the fuses one at a time in the rear fuse box after trying them all the meter stayed the same so i disconnected what i thought was the reversing sensor box but was in fact the auto watch alarm so i plugged it back in turned the key car wouldnt start.i thought the immobiliser had kicked in and thats why it wouldnt start so i plugged in my opcom to see what was going on by now i had spanner light on emission light on brake and clutch light on so like an idiot i did an ecu reset put my code in did that wiped out the key transponder then re proggramed it it came up ok etc etc.after that lot the car wouldnt even turn over let alone start checked the fuses in the back and id replaced the fuel pump fuse in the wrong slot (idiot) turned the key car starts but is lumpy as hell and is in limp mode the lights have gone out now but emission light is still there everytime i clear it it comes back.by now ive had enough took it in to my mechanic hes put it on his machine and said maf sensor gone it should be ok if he replaces it hes done that cleared the codes etc etc car is still in limp mode and lumpy now hes saying the ecu could be knackered. bare in mind the car was perfect until i started messing around in opcom reseting ecu etc i also reset cim and a couple of other things as well all in all have i knackered the car by making a simple mistake not putting fuse back in the right place and the assuming the car ecu needed resetting ? not sure how u could knacker an ecu by ressetting it and a few other bits.now i have a car permanently in limp mode with an emission light on and revs only going up to 3000 any help would be appreciated guys