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Thread: I'm doing Kilimanjaro for charity

  1. #1
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    Default I'm doing Kilimanjaro for charity

    The girlfriend and I are going to summit Kilimanjaro in October 2013.

    We have self funded the whole trek so every penny goes to charity.

    We are looking to raise some money for Marie Curie Cancer Care

    I know everyone knows somebody who is doing something for charity and I'm not going to write a massive post but if any of you feel like sponsoring us it would be greatfully received and be appreciated by both Shell and I

    Now I have 6 months to get my fractured heel chipped tibia and torn tendons to heal as I fell 30m from a mountain in Scotland 2 weeks ago!


  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin Deztroyer's Avatar
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    Good luck lee,

    its all in the mind ( apart from the breaks and tears) you can do it !!!!!

    0-Large smile ......every time it's driven

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    Thanks mate I know physically and mentally I can push myself (Walking back down a mountain for 6 hours with a fractured heel, chipped tibia and torn tendons in my ankle confirmed that lol) its just the altitude that seems to make or break an ascent on anything that high. 25,000 people ascent it every year - 15 die - 60% make it so it will be a challenge! Shell and I have promised to drag the other one up if it comes down to it.

    We are doing the Yorkshire 3 peaks and Scafell Pike in May (I'll post the dates up if anyone fancies joining us for a slow 25mile walk one weekend) and back up to Scotland in August for another week training so we should be able to give it a damn good shot.

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    Looking at early May for Yorkshire 3 peaks if anyone fancies a 25mile hike?

  5. #5
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    just done something for you Lee .

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    Thanks Khalid much appreciated ;-)

  7. #7
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    Finally got a date sorted for the 3 peaks in Yorkshire if anyone fancy joining a bunch of us? I think there is about 8 of us at the moment. It will be Saturday 18th May. A few are looking at completing it within the 12 hours personally just be happy to complete it sometime that day!

    Heal has healed as well (I think) as has the tibia but ankle still swollen after 2 months but completed a 6 mile walk the other week up hills which was the real first outing for the ankle apart from being in the gym. Easier than I thought it was going to be so we walked Baggy Point (Croyde)a few times over the week as well.

    Hopefully weather will be good and be good to finally get up a few more peaks this year after the nightmare of falling down one!

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    Well a group of us set off into the lovely Yorkshire country side to be met with grim horrible weather this Saturday! It started off with rain which finally eased off around 1pm after soaking us from our 7am start to dense fog which got so dense you could only just see about 6ft in front of you! With lashings of mud and numerous people sliding and falling (no one from our group but people still doing it in tracksuits and trainers!?!)it was an eventful day and the girlfriend and I completed all 3 peaks from point to point in 11:57 covering 25.52 miles.

    First training session down for Kili!


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