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Thread: Me + Mate + Charity = Help

  1. #1
    Regular Member markm's Avatar
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    Default Me + Mate + Charity = Help

    Sorry if this kind of goes on a bit ,most of it may be completely irrelevant to a simple request for charity help.. but sometimes I think it’s good to understand why someone asks for help, and I think what I have been though has pushed me on to help my mate raise some money for charity.

    Me= Hard worker , and been with the same company for coming on 8 years, going back 15 years ago (flippin heck I sound old LOL) we got married and tried on and off for children but nothing happened, ,, fast forward 8 years my wife fell for our 1st son, joy was in my wifes eyes, and I think sheer panic in my eyes as most blokes do lol, but out 1st born son came along on the 13th May 2009 and we started to feel complete as a family, I was part way through finishing off an extension out home at the time to make room for our boy ,, all was well and even thou hard work it was finally great to be a dad at last . when he started walking he used to tip toe but we thought nothing off it, it seemed to get worst and worst over time so we finally took him to the doctors, just thinking they would refer us for physio or something, which in part they did,

    Part of it was a blood test and we thought , yeah that’s fine , but really if we had thought about it at that stage I think we could of prepared for what was to come, the 1st set of results came back and we were asked to go back to see the consultant, still none the wiser we sat down , and they said something that took a week or so to really sink in for me anyway, “Your son has a high level of CK in his blood” Ok, so what does that mean, in reality a few things but they said they wanted to test again in a few weeks to check for Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. As you do you go home not really understanding what they are talking about until you read about in on Google , and well I think my life fell apart in that split second as the reality kicks in of what they were testing for, if he did have DMD then my boy will not have a good life before he passes away at an early age, but we still had hope and more blood tests as it was still very early days.

    More blood tests and the results were worse than before, OK, more worry and more stress as the magnitude of what may be kicks in ,, three months later and more blood tests and the CK blood count and now tripled in as many months making it more certain to use something was wrong, I have to say at this stage I was shi!!!!g myself to think my son would die a slow crippling death before he was in his late teens, so , more stress, still trying to work hard and still trying to show a brave face at home . I got to a point and couldn’t deal with work and the worry of my boy so ending up breaking down at work and having to have some time off work to try and clear my thoughts, to be honest it didn’t really help but I just couldn’t focus at work, back to work and some months on we had another blood test and to our joy his CK count and dropped, we had another test some months on and the results were even lower , the consultants think it was most likely a virus attacking his body and his body fighting back by raising his CK levels which was such a relief it was an understatement , the weight of the last year had finally started to lifted from my shoulders and I could breathe again, he still toe walks at 5 but it’s something we are dealing with and still have hospital visits to do but this we can deal with.

    Why do I say all of this, well on to my mate,

    Mate = Hard working guy for a printer supplier company who has been riding a bike and showing off his routes and mapping his efforts on Facebook for the past year, didn’t think anything off it at all at the time, but it started off at mapping 5 miles, then 10 miles , then 20 miles ,, then 35 miles, he is now up to 60 odd miles and is going on to do a charity 114 mile bike ride to try and raise £1000 for a children’s charity for the terminally ill ,

    Charity = Now he thinks I’m amazing for raising £100 in donations for him so far, but I think it’s the other way round and he is totally amazing for riding harder and harder each week to extend his goal and range to hit 114 miles in the summer for a childrens charity,

    The reason for all of the above, I’ve had a small taste of what some of these parents will be going through and my heart really does go out to them in full and this is the reason I ask for help, ! I’d be so chuffed it I could help him meet his goal of £1000. Now I’m not asking for £5, £10 or anything silly,. But there are enough of us here to donate 50p or £1 and this could really add up.

    I won’t be offended if you think naaahh, it’s not for me, but I will be so chuffed we I could get him to £1000.

    Here is Steve’s Charity page , if anything please take a few minutes to read his page but if you can spare some spare change I would be so grateful.

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    Hope he does it and glad your son is a little better.

  3. #3
    Regular Member markm's Avatar
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    Thanks mate, he's doing ok, we still have lots to deal with as the physio doesn't really do much and his night splints are useless , its likely he will need an opp and spend a number of months in plaster, but at least that we can deal with .

    Just like to say a big thanks to any one sending donations, I really appreciate it

  4. #4
    Regular Member markm's Avatar
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    Thanks again for the donations,, and a free evening BUMP :-)

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