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Thread: Brakes WERE knocking

  1. #1
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    Default Brakes WERE knocking

    Bit of a weird one this. But i was out yesterday, and every time i applied the brakes (even lightly) i could hear a knocking which sounded like it was coming from the rear drivers corner.

    So i parked the car up last night and i've come to check it today and i can't seem to get the knocking to appear again, even though is was so consistent yesterday (literally EVERY TIME i applied the brakes).

    The knocking was in time with the wheel's, the faster i was going when applying the brakes the faster the knocking was. It's not a loud knocking noise, quite faint really and you probably wouldn't notice it on a busy road with all the traffic noise.

    The only thing i can think of that's been done to the car recently is new tyres all round, hunter alignment and its been sat in the snow over the winter and usually only gets driven once every two weeks (once a week at most lately).

    The only thing ive done before taking the car out to try and listen for it again, is i went round with the wheel nut bar, and just checked all my wheel nuts were tight. I didn't use an extension to really give 'em some guts, but none of them budged, so im guessing none of them are going to be loose enough to cause a knocking.

    The only other things i can think of which could possibly affect it since last night, is i had two rather large and heavy chaps in the back for the last mile home, and the boot is currently all over the place with the spare wheel just thrown in at an angle (although i doubt it was junk in the boot knocking as it was too consistent with the speed of the car, and i've not messed in the boot for ages. Although ive known junk in the car cause weird noises from time to time, so i can't rule it out fully, it just doesn't seem very likely).

    Brake pads were all changed a couple of years ago, probably done around 20k tops on them and there's plenty of meat left on them (checked the outside pad for wear just in case, and assuming the inner pad will be around the same, it will be fine).

    So what would you guys recommend i do? Wait for it to start knocking again and then try and look for any problems? Or is there some things i really need to be checking?

  2. #2
    Regular Member d_ghedia's Avatar
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    Vehicle : Vauxhall Signum

    Trim : Elite

    Engine : 1.9 CDTI 150. Manual

    Year : 2006


    Is it a knocking sound or more of a rattle? A couple of years ago, a mechanic forgot to swap over the retaining clips on the rear pad of my vec B... after about 3-4k miles, when the pads had worn a little, I started to get this rattling sound as the pads were loose in the caliper. Worth a check.

  3. #3
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    Definitely more of a knocking. The "knocking" was in time with the wheels (so when i was going slower, i could hear a definite pause between the knocks). I've got a driver front abs sensor issue, so im gonna get that fixed asap, and just wait and see what happens. I can't see how a drivers front sensor would cause a drivers back abs to start clicking (which is the only thing i can possibly think it would be at this time).

    Suppose its just process of elimination and just wait to see if it turns up again before fretting over it.

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