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Thread: vectra 1.9 120 glow plug nightmare

  1. #1
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    Default vectra 1.9 120 glow plug nightmare

    Hi all,I have managed to change 2/4 of the glow plugs on my vectra. The last 2 are actually impossible to get to with oil feeds overlapping the socket. Does anyone know of a mystery socket attachment that would fit or any advice? Iv tried to do it twice with various tools and had no luck. Don't fancy handing it to a garage who will charge me through the nose for something so simple! Why the hell aren't they on the top like the 150?! Any help would be awesome, getting very frustrated with this car, about to sack it in for a mondeo!

  2. #2
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    I'm not that familiar with the 120, but are the oil feeds not actually vacuum pipes? If so I think you need to disconnect the vac pipes (4no ?) and undo the vac pipe assembly from the cam shaft cover (2 bolts). That sound about right?

  3. #3
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    id love some input if thats what they are. They are steel pipes covering the glow plugs, very thin. And only 2 bolts?

  4. #4
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    haynes says exactly this: "On Z19DT engines, undo the two retaining bolts, disconnect the four vacuum hoses and remove the vacuum pipe assembly from the top camshaft cover."

    That sound about right??

    The next step is just to unscrew the glow plugs

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nucleo View Post
    Hi all,I have managed to change 2/4 of the glow plugs on my vectra. The last 2 are actually impossible to get to with oil feeds overlapping the socket. Does anyone know of a mystery socket attachment that would fit or any advice? Iv tried to do it twice with various tools and had no luck. Don't fancy handing it to a garage who will charge me through the nose for something so simple! Why the hell aren't they on the top like the 150?! Any help would be awesome, getting very frustrated with this car, about to sack it in for a mondeo!

    When replacing glow plugs on a 120 z19dt

    Remove the EGR and the fuel block from the inlet manifold this will give you room to get to all the glow plugs easily.

    Those pipes you mention are the fuel pipes, you only need to loosen them not remove them to get the right angle on the glow plug.

    Yes go get a Mondeo............that will be the end of all your problems .............
    Last edited by C-Owner; 18th February 2013 at 23:16.

  6. #6
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    What the chuff is haynes on about! Thus far it has been useless apart from torque specs!!!!

    Anyhow, I found this how 2 on another forum which has some nice pictures. Pictures always good!

  7. #7
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    Yea those pics show an amateur taking far too much stuff off to be honest.

    You only need to loosen off the egr 1 from inlet manifold and the fuel block 2 (cant remember correct term).
    Then loosen the fuel unions that are in the way the pipes them move enough for access.

    And when disconnecting a battery always remove the negative first

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    Ok, thanks for the info guys, looks like this is going to get done!

    So, I did the 2 which were near the EGR valve, that came off and got a clean. The issue pair are the ones near the fuel block. Using the 2nd image from bottom : are the thin pipes are the ones giving me grief. So can I just unscrew them slightly at the bolt end and they should give me enough room to get the socket in there?

    thanks so far gents!

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    No.2 is the fuel return dampener.

    I can't believe you have to loosen high pressure fuel pipe unions to change the glow plugs!!! That's a huge design flaw! Stuuupid.

    Is it not possible to get at the plugs with a 1/4" wobble extension or even a U/J between the deep socket you're using and your extension??

    If not, indeed it looks like you will need to loosen the unions on the rail enough to get the extension past the fuel pipes. If you do do this, I think i goes without saying, check for leaks with engine running after you're done. Fuel union nuts are supposed to be 30Nm, but you would need a crows foot and torque wrench to torque to spec.

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