Anyone here done some DIY on their alloys before? Got a set of AMS which aren't in the best of ways, was thinking of redoing them myself.
Whats the best way to do something like this, best sprays?
Anyone here done some DIY on their alloys before? Got a set of AMS which aren't in the best of ways, was thinking of redoing them myself.
Whats the best way to do something like this, best sprays?
I have refurbed a few sets of wheels over the years and i find the best way is after applying the filler and rubbing them down .
Is to cut up a load of carboard boxes into largeish pieces and push the cardboard in under the rim after deflatting the tyres this will then give you a large area to spray without fear of spraying areas that you dont want paint on .
Give two light coats and allow to dry before applying last coat and then before this is fully dry apply your laquer/clearcoat finish coats . at work we then position them in front of a fan heater to harden the paint.
As for what paint any sizeable rattle can is fine along with your lacquer covering some of the commercially available silver wheel paint is good but it sometimes comes up looking flat if you want a silver that gives a little bling then try fords moondust silver this is a full metallic paint and when sealed does give a very clean finish
Last edited by bobssignum; 17th February 2013 at 15:06.
Driving vauxhall,s for 30 + years
and still loving it
Have a look at plastidip.
VW Reflex silver looks the nuts, used it on a few sets of rims now, nice metalic finish:
Read the"How to", that's what I used when I decided to have a go at mine. Result of 1st attempt was 100% how I wanted it, but circumstances forced me to rush the laquer coats. Will do better next time. Not sure it's any cheaper than some of the refurbs, by the time you buy the paint etc.
need mine done want them in gunmetal there a very glossy silver n not keen on them
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