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Thread: 2 litre turbo start up

  1. #1
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    Default 2 litre turbo start up

    Hi guys when I start my car from cold I get a strange whining/wiring noise when cranking after 1-2 secs then fires into Life it's ok once started for the rest of the day it wont do it again till parked up for a few hours and got cold again . Anybody had this problem ?

  2. #2
    Regular Member Caveman_nige's Avatar
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    Vehicle : Insignia

    Trim : Elite

    Engine : 1.6T SIDI Petrol

    Year : 2014


    i would think its possibly your balancer chain on one of the chain guides.. Once the engine has been sat for a while as you will know all the oil drains to the sump so there is almost no oil on the chain (well not all over it). There are oil jets within that area that lube the chains but these become blocked over time due to owners not doing frequent enough oil changes. Its also and age thing as crud does build up over time in the oil galleries and block these jets.

    Now its not the end of the world, mine started doing this a few years back when it was at 55k ish, i did not want it to deteriorate into something worse which would require me to make an premature timing chain, balancer chain and water pump service (lots of money). The chain is supposed to last the life of the engine. Mine does not make this noise anymore though and its at 88k now.

    I bought some Wynns engine flush and as per its instructions poured it into the oil but instead of just letting it fast idle i took it for a 10 mile blast down the motorway to shift any crud before returning home to do and oil and filter change. I drained the oil and then poured through some spare oil i had, i then changed the filter and fitted the bung and filled up with 5/30 fully synthetic oil. I now change oil and filters every six months or 5-6k no matter what, i also do the same engine flush procedure every other oil change, so once a year basically.. I have not had that chain noise back on either cold startup or any other time. My engine is highly tuned and it gets put through its paces regularly, 285bhp is a lot of fun to have .

    Basically as the old adage goes there is no substitute for regular servicing.. If you take care of it then it will last, if you try and save a penny or a pound on servicing then you will pay for it later on.

    The Z20NET engine is bullet proof, one of the best there is and probably one of the most reliable in a vauxhall, but like any other engine only if its looked after.


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    Cheers mate will have to get some problem is I'm the 5th owner now I only use vauxhall fully synthetic oil but don't know what the other owners have done good idea the old vx trade card

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