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Thread: DPF regen indication light?

  1. #1
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    Default DPF regen indication light?

    I`v read that Vaux (Opel here in Finland) removed this regen indication cause people thought there was something wrong with the car Well, there IS something with DPF. It`s the whole DPF concept that`s wrong

    Anyways, my question is can you somehow program this indication light to work? I`d like to see when my car is in regen. My BC is not enabled, so I can`t monitor mpg either. I can smell and hear (behind the car from exhaust) regen when stopped. But when on move I can`t tell when regen is in process.

    Well, I could get rid of DPF altogether, but here in Finland everything is so damn expensive, so I can`t afford it right now

    Oh, car is 3.0 cdti (z30dt).


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    The problem with the Z30DT is that no-one knows the Denso management system enough to remove the DPF, you could bash out the insides and try various other methods but unless it was coded out you would hit issues.
    I know when my Z30DT is doing a regen then the MPG shows 1 g/hr opposed to the 0.1/0.2 g/hr when on idle and like you, when I'm moving I can't tell the car is doing a regen.
    One thing to keep in mind though, and I do this every so often, if you think you are due a regen, take the car for a spirited drive on the motorway, keep in 4th gear and try to keep the revs at 2500rpm+ and this should kick off the regen.

  3. #3
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    Well you can activate the DPF "active" light, but you have to purchase a happylightshow. This will allow you to activate that light + some other things. for some more information.

  4. #4
    RO - Rocking all over the UK And Poland jaqubek's Avatar
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    thats what I got in my 3.0 cdti. Definitely worth it and you will get few options extra- follow me home lights, corner lights etc...

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how do i know when my 3.0 v6 signum is doing a regen


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