Does anyone know which of the 4 wires on the interior light unit is positive and negative? Just looking to tap onto for some footwell lighting. Thanks
Does anyone know which of the 4 wires on the interior light unit is positive and negative? Just looking to tap onto for some footwell lighting. Thanks
Tap into the bulb holders. Just connect to the metal part of the bulb holder with any speaker wire, then just feed it around frame to the foot well. This is how i did it and looks great.
Do it properly on the wires, much neater and easier to remove light in future if put a connector up there... Brown/white & brown are the ones you need.
You don't say what year yours is but I think they're all pretty much the same:-
Brown : +12v (via BCM)
Grey : LED dimming signal
Blue/Red : Ground
Brown/White : interior lamp control from BCM (in effect ground but supplies the slow fade effect by varying the voltage)
So as Lee said you want the brown and brown/white if you want them to fade with the interior light.
If you pop off the A pillar and grab handle you can fold it back enough to see if you have the plugs, they actually tape them only a few inch away from the hole...
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