for those having issues with the SAC type clutches by LUK this is the method you must use to reset the clutches (as well as check to ensure these are fully reset)
note the uploaded pictures
I have reset my old clutch spring so it can be used as brand new if i wish
first you must find a way to compress the spring fingers until they are touching the bump stop, once this is done you must force back the spring mechanism until it can go no further, LUK have advised me the spring compression should be 7-14mm when new and when used around 25mm (although if you are fitting a new clutch spring or reusing an old spring with a new clutch plate you must reset this)
my spring fingers were roughly half the height before i reset them, they are now as high as they can possibly be
this is done on my old clutch to show you
once you have reset the little springs, you must jam something in to hold it in position and decompress the springs, once decompressed you will notice that your spring fingers are raised much higher
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cluch reset,
resetting a self adjusting clutch