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Thread: Is this normal.....???

  1. #1
    Regular Member Harry's Avatar
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    Default Is this normal.....???

    Hi all,

    I've been driving my 3.0 v6 diesel around for about a week now and i noticed pretty eaerly on that when you depress the clutch just half way there is a vibration coming through on the pedal, you can't feel anything at any other time, only when you depress the clutch halfway, at this stage i doubt the clutch is even engaged. The vibration is in time with the ticking over of the engine.

    Just wondering if its normal.

    Any thoughts? The car is on a '54' plate and had only done 10k miles, just had its first service aswell, not sure if it would be checked though.

  2. #2
    Ex-Staff Full Member big phil's Avatar
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    Watch the truck pull on youtube --

  3. #3
    Regular Member Harry's Avatar
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    okay...kinda worried now.

    Big phil - it's not a clicking that is present, but when i press the clutch pedal down slightly (until there is significant resistance) at that point i can feel the vibrations of the engine running through the clutch pedal.

    it's quite difficult to explain - but seeing as nobody else is experiencing it i think i'll take it to the stealership and see what they make of it. year one warranty runs out on the 6 of this month!!!!

  4. #4
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    My old Vec B used to do that. It was also diesel. I just put it down to the engine vibration at idle, (as diesels at idle can vibrate a little more than petrols) Never got any worse, or better, and I got rid of the car at 92K miles.

  5. #5
    Regular Member spatch's Avatar
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    Last edited by spatch; 24th April 2008 at 14:09.

  6. #6
    Regular Member Vaux-Man-G's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry View Post
    Hi all,

    I've been driving my 3.0 v6 diesel around for about a week now and i noticed pretty eaerly on that when you depress the clutch just half way there is a vibration coming through on the pedal, you can't feel anything at any other time, only when you depress the clutch halfway, at this stage i doubt the clutch is even engaged. The vibration is in time with the ticking over of the engine.

    Just wondering if its normal.

    Any thoughts? The car is on a '54' plate and had only done 10k miles, just had its first service aswell, not sure if it would be checked though.
    Hi mate, dont take this as 100% but when I bought my CDTI SRI 150 on 55/2005, with less than 10k miles on it, I noticed the exact same thing. I took it to my VX dealer and they said that some vibration on the clutch pedal is normal as it has a Dual Mass Flywheel. But on mine at the time the judder seemed quite a lot, so mine had a new flywheel in it at the time (apparently quite a common fault). If it is a slight judder, like a minor bouning type feel, then I would say its normal as I have an SRI CDTI 120 and a 150 and they both do it and VX have told me that its normal. If its more than a minor feel, then get it cheked. Dont hold me to this thouhg, its just what I was told. Hope this helps bud. Thanks.

  7. #7
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    hee hee this thread is 3 tears old hee hee

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