Personally I don't like cats, for the fact that they crap in my garden and p**s up my front bumper(some male cat seems to think its his territory) we now have cat alarm things that permit a noise that cats hate and we also have 2 dogs of which we let into the garden a lot and especially if the cat decided to climb up my car(many times I've been out and seen dirst marks all down the window and bonnet where a cat has slipped on both, which will put marks on my paint) I've also sprayed the cats with the hose before(the spray **** up my car and s**t in the garden so I spray them with water) people with cats moan about dog owners because of them s**ting on the pavements , yet as mentioned above cats are worse as they do it in flower beds, kids sand pits, in gardens, why should we have to clean it up? When we take the dogs for a walk we clean up after them straight away so why is cats mess any different? Dogs aren't allowed to roam everywhere so neither should cats? :s