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Thread: Got the car back....

  1. #1
    Regular Member dazza-diesel's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Got the car back....

    Evening folks....

    Well got the car back from the garage with the following work done...

    1. replace lead off pipe from turbo
    2. replace oil feed pipe seals
    3. Re-tap thread on manifold (think this has stopped the exhaust gass problem)....

    So no more oil on the drive and no exhaust gas in the car so all good really and they valeted it.... well hoovered it out and gave it a splash with the hose...

    The mods bug has taken grip again.... just fitted tinted side repeaters and a irmscher 3rd brake light cover small but tasteful.... and its a start.... front grill and rear light clusters next.....

  2. #2
    Vectra-C Obsessed Poster Drinky's Avatar
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    on your momma !!!!!!!!!
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    Thumbs up

    thats what we like to hear not all doom and gloom from the main stealers

    Back in a V6 !!!!!!!!!!!! And lovin it !!!

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