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Thread: Fuel Pump Stuck

  1. #1
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    Default Fuel Pump Stuck

    Hi There,
    I went to fill up with fuel last night, filled up, went to pull the pump out and it got stuck, i wrestled with the pump for about 5 minutes until the guy came out onto the forecourt and just 'another vectra' He passed me a screwdriver and said that i needed to pry it out, he said they get this all the time on the new Vectra.
    Eventually i managed to force the pump out, BUT, as it came off a piece of metal drop into my fuel tank I am guessing this is the anti-syphon device.

    Surely this is a Vx design fault and should be fixed - has anyone heard of this problem before, if so do i need to get it fixed or should i just leave it as the offending piece has now been dropped into the tank


  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin / Founder Duncan's Avatar
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    Here's a recent thread on exactly the same problem.

    Sounds like the bit of metal that has fallen into the tank is the metal flap on the inside that hinges away when you put in the nozzle. You may need to (Gawd knows how) get it out of the tank as it 'may' possibly block something up?


  3. #3
    Regular Member C19_CJB's Avatar
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    As Duncan said have a look at my thread because I had the same problem last weekend... only difference was that my flap didn't fall into the tank it got mangled instead, meaning that I can't get any more fuel in!

    Vxl have just been to work to pick up my car as they are replacing the whole filler neck under warranty. So the best thing for you to do would be to go to your nearest Vxl dealer and get them to sort it for you.



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    Thanks for the advise, unfortunatley mine is no longer in warranty so looks like i either live with it or pay out to have it rectified - bu66er!


  5. #5
    Regular Member Ste's Avatar
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    Engine : 3.0D V6

    Year : 0000


    Unlikely to block anything. The fuel filter will have a (relatively) large area, compared to the filler flap, and won't be restricted. It is probable that the disk will settle on the bottom of the tank, maybe slightly sloshing with the fuel. I wouldn't be worried about it.

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