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Thread: 1.9 CDTI 150 "snapped glowplug"

  1. #1
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    Default 1.9 CDTI 150 "snapped glowplug"

    Hi guys 0
    was replacing the DMF on my vectra this last weekend and carried out a general service too, have been having the "spannerlight" on first thing in the mornings which is indicative of the glowplugs failing. I changed three no problem, but the fourth (no1 cylinder nearest the cambelt) sheared off at what looks to be just below the thread, I have a solid core protruding from the hole, and to the best of my knowledge the plug does not seem to be leaking, went around to the local garage and they said leave well alone, is it ok to run on three plugs?

    Can any of youguys advise me on what best to do, Is taking the head off a big job? I have a CAM locking tool set for changing the timing belt -I did this 3 months ago so would be a new belt still?

    Is it possible to sicessfully repair the head or will it be a new one?

  2. #2
    Regular Member bigdave1701's Avatar
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    This has happened before and I think the solution was just to leave it as removing it will cost somewhere in the £3k region

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdave1701 View Post
    This has happened before and I think the solution was just to leave it as removing it will cost somewhere in the £3k region

    hi thanks for that keep it in mind! car has cost ame a fortune so far already!

  4. #4
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    Vehicle : vectra-c

    Trim : sri

    Engine : cdti

    Year : 2004

    Mileage : 98,000


    I should just leave it for now, i did have a you tube link to a glow plug being removed by specialists but cant find it, maybe someone else has it, its only been a few weeks since it was posted.
    found it but dont know where you could get this type of thing done, theres lots of diy jobs just google 'how to remove a broken glow plug'
    Last edited by the-wizard; 30th November 2010 at 15:08.

  5. #5
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    Yes leave alone.

    However if it has to come out drill a hole in the middle and as you do this have your mate with the vacuum nozzle sucking up the fillings.

    Then get the engine hot after a good run and with a eazi out see if it will budge.

    Sometimes they do come out and well others as above it's head off.

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