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Thread: Wiki Leaks

  1. #1
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    Default Wiki Leaks

    I hope i am not the only one here that thinks this sort of publication should have been quashed right from the very outset.

    ANY documentation that could lead to harm or loss of life should not purposely be put into the public domain. Freedom of speech is one thing but this really takes the P***s

    And to make it worse, on the same day a few rogues who ran a file sharing site face being sent to prison, and the Police want to close down a few websites which trade in counterfeit goods:

    Really does make you wonder at times..

    (off me soapbox now)


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    I agree with you m8. The other thing is it shows who and what is leading the nations. Not good to be honest and very lame.


  3. #3
    Regular Member m8internet's Avatar
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    Even without the internet, reports like this would eventually have surfaced
    The main issue is the volume and timing, in the past it would have been a small amount, but this time it has been a considerable amount
    However, it is highly biased as with any and all such reports made available
    They are reporting on what they want to report, what about that they have not done so but should have
    Anyone remember the US representation and presentation at the UN for "Weapons of Mass Destruction", which resulted in the authority for the invasion of Iraq?
    If the case was so high to invade Iran, then why has it not proceeded any further...

  4. #4
    Regular Member vectraboyy's Avatar
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    IMHO its terrorism.

    They have ilegally obtained classified documents and they are blatantly flaunting it.

    The issue is you could take out a server hall of theres, but they apparently have several around the world and everything would just flick onto the next one.

    I think the head guy should be arrested and charged with theft and terrorism charges for what he is done, and im pretty sure the americans are going to be looking for the one that leaked it. Thats alot of info to have syphioned off...

  5. #5
    Regular Member m8internet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vectraboyy View Post
    They have ilegally obtained classified documents and they are blatantly flaunting it
    The documents and reports were all obtained by legal and correct methods, the issue is they were not covered by a high enough security policy, hence how they leaked
    Kind of like the cleaner being asked to photocopy them, then keeping a copy to themselves...
    WikiLeaks then came along and published these reports and documents which had been made available to them by a person below that security policy, that should have been in place

    So the secrets will be more secret in the future, resulting in America becoming even more paranoid about other countries; of course that is assuming that they can find them without the help of the UN

    Even the rumblings near North Korea are getting the Americans confused :
    Last edited by m8internet; 29th November 2010 at 19:34.

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    they should keep their documents safe and be careful who gets to see them. that's it.

  7. #7
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    Its not the fact that they were not safe, it was the integrity of the individual who had gone through the vetting process in order to have access to the documents which is the problem.

    I know what the vetting procedure is, and believe me, they know stuff about you that makes you wonder how on earth they could even know.

    Controlling the individual is a totally different matter, and thats where in this case it broke down. Being vetted in order to have access to this information is based on trust and past history. What can you do if they go rogue? Pretty much nothing until the harm has been done.

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