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Thread: Wipers, Snow and now not self parking.

  1. #1
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    Default Wipers, Snow and now not self parking.

    Hi All
    I think I have broken my wipers, I cleared about a foot of snow off the car this morning as much as I could the rest was iced onto the body work.
    I removed as much snow from the wipers and surrounding area as I could the rest was heavily compacted into the various traps around where the wipers sit.

    Anyway There was still about 3 handfuls of snow that had come down from the roof as I was clearing it, didn’t see it has much of a problem and hit the wipers on.
    Anyway it was a problem and the wipers went halfway up the screen and stopped. I switched off moved more offending snow (its still snowing) and tried again now its intermittent what they do its either

    • Stop in the position they got stuck in when switched off
    • Stop for a while in the postion they got stuck in and then move again when wiping
    • Park slightly above the normal park position.
    • Don’t stop when I cancel the wipers using the stalk (IIRC)

    What have I done! Is the damage fatal, and is it going to be expensive.

    Many Thanks

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    First thing I'd try is pulling the fuse for the wipers to see if it resets the electrics.

  3. #3
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    Thanks BD Ill try that as soon as I can

    Is it likely that I have damaged something - im aware that it was a stupid thing to do.

  4. #4
    Regular Member slinky270306's Avatar
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    This seems to be an issue with wipers in the cold. Mine does the same thing. Intermittants dont work and will stop in the middle of the screen they wont self go back to their start position. Definately electrical to do with cold but i'd say thats all.

    If you leave it long enough they'll start working as per normal once the engine is up to temperature and the whole bay is all nice and warm.

    Hasnt happened to me yet this year but i dread the wiper curse and i'm wondering how long will it be before i see it again this year!

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    Thanks I do hope so.
    I have had wipers on previous cars, that have smashed through snow - I didnt think these would be as weak as they appear to be.

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    Went to the car this evening and again cleared of the snow, wipers got stuck again however when the went back down they seemed to have worked fine - and they seem to be ok now
    Apart from when the park they seem to jump up a millimeter or so eg they go down, park and then move up ever so slightly - which i suppose i can live with at least they dont stop in the middle of the window - I shall keep a eye on it though

  7. #7
    Regular Member slinky270306's Avatar
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    You kinda get used to it. I have been for the 5 winters i've had my vec for. Tis a pain but theres definately something about the cold the motors/electrics dont like.

  8. #8
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    Thumbs up

    its to do with frozen screenwash.

    i think it senses that the pump can't work then for some reason it stops intermittant working i suppose thats related to screen cleaning

    i had this and was confused initially, but all i do is put 500ml of quite warm 50% screenwash in the reservoir before i set off.

    no problems ever since.

    cheap fix

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    Have a read here m8:

    There is also a way you can set the wipers to park half way (you may have in advertantly done this?).

    To do it:

    1. Within 8 seconds of switching off the engine turn the key to position 2.

    2. Flick the wiper stalk down.

    Wipers should park themselves halfway. Like I say you have done this, or this may reset it for you. Worth a shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by mparks8590 View Post
    its to do with frozen screenwash.

    i think it senses that the pump can't work then for some reason it stops intermittant working i suppose thats related to screen cleaning

    i had this and was confused initially, but all i do is put 500ml of quite warm 50% screenwash in the reservoir before i set off.

    no problems ever since.

    cheap fix
    Mine still wipes the screen 4 times when there is no screenwash due to it either being frozen washer fluid. As far as I know there isn't anything to sense this - accept the microswitches in the motor to detect when the wipers have reached ful/ travel and park.


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    don't know myself but all i know is that i had the problem whenever the temp got below -6

    adding warm screenwash prior to setting off, no problems now even down to -14 which it was last winter for me on several occaisions

    odd eh but it works so i'm keeping it going


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