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Thread: 3.0 V6 - EGR or gearbox?

  1. #1
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    Default 3.0 V6 - EGR or gearbox?

    Please help me, I'm having an awful time with my beloved 04 Signum Elite.

    Not long after I bought it at 34k miles it developed a juddering, under light load, at around 50mph. It got mildly worse but was bearable until all of a sudden it went into limp mode one day.

    Two Vauxhall dealers and a few gearbox specialists read my fault codes and it all seemed to be the automatic (Asia-Warner) transmission so I had that overhauled at a cost of £1,700. The guy who fixed it told me it was caused by water ingress from a porus radiator and was a known problem.

    Not long after I picked it up the juddering came back and this time it seems worse. It's juddering at other speeds now and in all gears whereas before it seemed to be just in fifth.

    I rang gearbox guy back and he said it was most likely my EGR valve, as he'd had its parameters read and they were out so he's advised me to get it cleaned before he can rule out a gearbox fault.

    Trouble is I'm getting mixed messages from diesel specialists. Some say it's a two hour job to clean the EGR, some say replace it don't clean it, some say it's definitely the gearbox and others say my problems sound consistent with the EGR valve being either dirty or faulty.

    I'm absolutely stuck here and I'd appreciate any help anyone can give me.

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    Regular Member Celes's Avatar
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    Vehicle : Opel Signum

    Trim : Sport

    Engine : 3.0 CDTI

    Year : 12/03


    If the EGR on a V6CDTi is faulty you will get lots of black smoke. The faulty EGR on my old 3.0 never caused juddering. Since your car appears to be a low miler I'd rule out any drive-train problems (cv-joints,...). I suggest you replace the fuel filter, use some injector cleaner and then see what happnes. Juddering faults seem to be the hardest do diagnose on this particular engine...

  3. #3
    Regular Member Big Sig's Avatar
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    Also the autogearbox on the 3.0 doesn't suffer the same problems as the rest if the range as it's different cooling arrangement. Or so I have been lead to believe.

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