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Thread: VAG diesel engines?

  1. #1
    Regular Member Steven's Avatar
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    Default VAG diesel engines?

    Ok i think im going to change the car and i am looking towards a VAG diesel, more than likely the 140PD engine. Does anyone know these engines well and what are the general opinions/problems etc?

    The cars im looking at all will be covered by manufacturers warranty but i like doing my homework and the VW forums are not very helpful at the moment

    Any help would be appreciated guys

  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin Deztroyer's Avatar
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    a majority from what i can recall are not fitted with egr valves so not too many issues there ....

    0-Large smile ......every time it's driven

  3. #3
    Regular Member Celes's Avatar
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    Be careful with pre 2006 models! They have bad cylinder heads which crack...Other than that it's a fine lump and goes like the clappers

  4. #4
    Regular Member Steven's Avatar
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    Cheers guys - Celes it will be 2008 or newer so should be ok for these problems you mention?

  5. #5
    On a Sabbatical
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    My cousin works for a big VAG group dealer. He told me that the 2.0 TDi 140 is a lot less reliable than the older 1.9 or the smaller TDi. In fact he said buy the 1.9 TDi 105 and get it mapped if more power is needed.

  6. #6
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    my nephew has trained and worked with audi and vw since bein in yr 10 so about 7 yrs now he says the 1.9tdi is pretty bullet proof but dont touch the 2.5 tdi they have problems
    the 3.0 v6 tdi is bulletproof pretty much too
    they have had problems with the 2.0 tdi engines but he has been away from audi for a few yrs so they might have solved most of the problems by now
    build quality of interior is much superior on 2007+ cars better materials used i believe
    interior of previous yrs can look dated and drab with neglect

    i was told to stay well clear of all multitronics and tip tronics as they can cause absolute nightmares when they go wrong and the multitronics do alot by all accounts

    on the other hand manual and the dsg (pretty much a manual box) pretty damn bulltproof

    this info is only his dealings with these engines and interiors
    and this is the info i got from him as im looking for a a4 avant 3.0 v6 tdi my self
    hope this is of help to u im sorry i have no info on petrol engines but ive never asked about them

  7. #7
    Regular Member Derek Mc's Avatar
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    Diesels all have similr issus to the Fiat unit, so oil contamination in the intake stream EGR issues and the fuel rail has had some reported troubles too.

    I was advised to keep well clear of the automatic boxes in the new gen cars too as they do have issues, Passat Handbrake issues as well!

    I was disgusted by the general reliability and quality of the wife's Golf and would really think again before going VAG in any format.

  8. #8
    Regular Member john_k_sri's Avatar
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    The 'Pompe Duse' or PD diesels that used to be used in VAG group cars are generally regarded as more reliable than the current ones, albeit less refined.

  9. #9
    Regular Member Jezzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john_k_sri View Post
    The 'Pompe Duse' or PD diesels that used to be used in VAG group cars are generally regarded as more reliable than the current ones, albeit less refined.
    As above. The 1.9's are Pump Duse engines, the 2.0s that replaced them are common rail instead. Pump Duse gives as much power as CR, but not the refinement.

  10. #10
    Regular Member byebyeitsagsi's Avatar
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    I was an apprentice with VAG and went to one of there training colleges for 2 years before i chucked it.

    As with all diesels the main problem is DMF's and as someone already mentioned DSG gearboxes, both expensive but the DSG boxes cost a small fortune.

    If i was going for a VW, audi, seat or skoda it would have to be one of the TSI engines. They really have got it right with them cheap tax and huge power as they are turbo supercharged.

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