I'm fed up with the front lip of my car crashing against my drive ramp whenever I try to get onto my drive, and being unable to drive up my car ramps with lowered car extensions, and eating curbs whenever I get too close to one!
So I'm trying to come up with Ideas that will give my car a little lift.
I've fitted 30mm Eibach lowering springs, and I swear they've lowered the car by more than 30mm... anyway, I would like to raise the car by 10-15mm without having to change the springs to the OEM SRI 15mm springs as I bought the Eibachs to remove the spring breaking problem with this car (and make it look cooler).
The only ideas I've been able to come up with are:
Spring Assisters/Spacers
Bigger Wheels/Tyres
Since I plan on changing my alloys for something cooler looking anyway, I figured that bigger tyres might be my ticket out of curb munching hell!
Plus I don't really like the idea of spring assisters, members on this forum have already mentioned how they dislike them and how they can stress your springs more by forcing them to do things they weren't made to do.
So! Could I get some opinions please?
I'm currently running 215/50/R17's. -- in order to get a 15mm height increase i'll have to increase the Tyre diameter by 30mm.
What are your opinions on larger wheels? what are the downfalls? and are those downfalls really all that noticeable? - I understand that bigger wheels will change my speedo to real world speed ratio, and maybe even knock my odometer off by a bit?
Just need a bit of feedback really, Is bigger tyres a good idea for my problem?