Could I ask a favour please? Would you take a look at this second edition of our interactive, online magazine and let us know what you think by completing the feedback form on the last page.

We value your opinion and if you leave feedback I’ll make sure you’re entered into the draw to WIN a £10 High Street Voucher (just a small gift – perfect timing for Christmas!). Remember, we’re seriously interested in your opinion so we can make the magazine better.

Here’s the link - http://issues.pageturninteractive.com/CoverStory/two/?ptie=forums2@chrisknott.co.uk

The magazine is aimed at car enthusiasts, especially car club members like you, so it would help our marketing guy to know whether it has value.

Also, if there’s anything you’d like to contribute to a future edition, please email it together with any photos to magazine@chrisknott.co.uk – we’re particularly interested in hearing about special modifications or cars with unusual histories.


PS. High Street Vouchers can be redeemed at any of the UK’s top 95 retailers - that’s 19,000 stores nationwide apparently.