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Thread: Auto wipers.. How do they work?

  1. #1
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    Default Auto wipers.. How do they work?

    Morning all.

    I'm wondering how the auto wipers work. I have an 03 plate Vec SRi. If I do not change the position of the stalk, they will not turn themselves on. If I flick it up one, they will come on but seemingly change pace with how heavy the rain is. Is this how they should work or should they come on without moving the stalk?

    Without a book, I'm a bit stumped!

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    Quote Originally Posted by cont1204 View Post
    If I flick it up one, they will come on but seemingly change pace with how heavy the rain is. Is this how they should work
    Correct. You need to enable them before they will work. You can also vary the sensitivity by using the adjuster on top of the stalk. When you switch off the ignition you also reset the auto wipers to the off position too.

    Unlike my Transit Connect at work where you can leave the stalk in the auto position and the wipers will come on with the ignition. Not a very clever thing to do when the windscreen is dry, and especially if it's been parked up all week collecting dust on the screen. Guess all Fords with auto wipers have this stupid set up?

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    From the 2003 Vectra brochure:-

    'An LED built into the rear-view mirror housing transmits light which is reflected by the windscreen and back to a photo-diode also contained within the housing. If a raindrop hits the glass, it changes the reflection path of the light, and reduces the amount of light received back by the photo-diode. The wipers are then activated automatically. The sensitivity of the system can be adjusted or simply switched off if so desired'

    There you have it LOL

    It requires a non-standard rear-view mirror (with a built in sensor) and a non-standard windscreen with a sensor built into a shaded area in the top centre. And the whole lot requires wiring in.
    Last edited by john_k_sri; 18th November 2010 at 13:09.

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    Thank you both for that. Cleared it up no end. Never had it or seen it on a car before apart from a family member's old Peugeot 206. Looks like I have it then! And not jsut dodgy wires as I first thought, hehe.

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