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Thread: Dealers again.

  1. #1
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    Default Dealers again.

    Well after reading all the stories about removing stubborn alloy wheel bolts (the locking one's) I had the problem myself last Friday.

    Got a slow puncture on the Signum's tyre so though I'd take it to local tyre fitters to sort, so I thought. Anyway they couldn't take it off, and fair play to them told me they didn't want to make the bolt worse by trying any other method.
    So off to my local garage to see if they could do anything. Not really he said until you get a new locking bolt key, or get the dealer to take it off with there kit.
    So off to the dealer who wanted to relieve me of £31 for a new looking bolt key, or.......£76 for them to do it. If they tried and failed and had to get a specialist engineer in to sort it then it would cost more like £176.
    So took a chance and risked getting a new locking bolt, £31, in the hope that wouldn't chew up when trying again to take it off.
    Bingo, my local garage got the bolt undone without too much fuss..........and no charge, and told me if you leave me your car tomorrow I'll take the rest off (locking bolts) and repair your puncture all for £10.

    Result, and I'm going to bin those locking bolts, or ebay em.


  2. #2
    Regular Member byebyeitsagsi's Avatar
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    Phone the AA or the RAC they should have the locking wheel key removal tools, they do destroy the locking wheel nut but at least it gets it off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by byebyeitsagsi View Post
    Phone the AA or the RAC they should have the locking wheel key removal tools, they do destroy the locking wheel nut but at least it gets it off.
    I'm with Mayday (Greenflag) Anyway the deed is done bought the locking bolt today, and my local garage did it for free, and they are taking the rest off for me too tomorrow when they repair the tyre.


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    Regular Member byebyeitsagsi's Avatar
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    Ah thats good, my apologies for not reading the end of the post

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by byebyeitsagsi View Post
    Phone the AA or the RAC they should have the locking wheel key removal tools, they do destroy the locking wheel nut but at least it gets it off.
    Had the RAC out to mine and they don't have the kits that fit the VX ones apparently because they have a spinning collar and there kits don't fit.

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    All done now, puncture repaired and the rest of the locking bolts removed.

    They said the alloy was also a pig to get off as it had welded itself on sort of. So worth removing all for a smear of copper grease, to ease removal next time.


  7. #7
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    my locking wheel nut key broke so i brought a new set of bolts which was actually cheaper than just getting a key i think it was £28 inc VAt for it, then took it to a mate who works out of his garage and he removed all the old wheels nuts by using a mig welder and an extraction socket (i think that was what it was called( it had a reverse thread in it or something like that)) he only charged me £20 and it took him well over an hour which i thought wasnt too bad

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