Sounds like the engine has a slight missfire but only around 1.5-2000 rpm?
Tickover seems fine. Anyone had this before?
Sounds like the engine has a slight missfire but only around 1.5-2000 rpm?
Tickover seems fine. Anyone had this before?
Try reading fault codes. Might end up being cam, crank sensor. Plugs or dispacks maybe?
How old are the plugs?
Sorry should have said V6 CDti![]()
Ahh thats completely different then! Could be the scv's (suction control valves) or injectors playing up. (even possibly a partially blocked fuel filter) Maybe see below. Is it a loss of power too?
Field Remedy: 1957
Subject: Engine Y30DT, High Pressure Pump - Lack of power during acceleration
Models: Engines: Option:
Vectra-C 2003...2006,Signum 2003...2006 Y30DT| Z30DT,Y30DT| Z30DT
Complaint: Engine lack of power during acceleration. During investigation with TECH2 a pressure drop between actual rail pressure and desired rail pressure is visible.
Cause: Blocked suction control valve (SCV) within the high pressure pump.
Production: Modified production process (earlier changing of manufacturing tools, improved cleanliness) implemented at supplier. Countermeasures were implemented with engine number 69692 (01.09.2006).
Before replacing the high pressure pump update ECU with modified software
as of TIS 2000-DVD, version 76.
With this TIS 2000-DVD, version 76 a modified software regarding high
pressure diagnosis was implemented (improved DTC: P0093 detection).
If the DTC still occurs after refreshing the ECU please record a snapshot
of the complaint vehicle. If a pressure drop can be confirmed out of the
snapshot data, replace the high pressure pump (Partnumber: 97228919 /
Cataloguenumber: 58 19 062).
No loss of power at all! Pulls away like a bullet, just puzzled as to why it's just started doing it. I've got AA warranty so will have to book in to local dealers and see what they can find out. It's a 56 plate on 74000.
Its not cheap fuel is it? Mine used to play up with morrisions ****e.
Always use Sainsburys and it's not done it before.
Mine sometimes does this. 3 injectors are bad - 2 are critical, 3 are still fine. I think it's all down to bad fuel. Try injector cleaner. What I do is put some in when the tank is almost empty, do 20-30miles and then I fill up. Sometimes I use 2-stroke oil too (250ml/tank).
Helps a bit![]()
That sounds like the first symptoms of a blocked SCV
Does it happen all the time, or only when accelerating through 1500 to 2000rpm in higher gears
Try a long trip at about this rev range, you may notice a surging and the turbo clicking on/off/on/off
A 2006 on 74K miles
Yet, we were all assured the Z30DT could not suffer this!
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