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Thread: Using normal 95 ron petrol in my VXR..?

  1. #1
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    Default Using normal 95 ron petrol in my VXR..?

    I understand that the VXR has a sticker on the inside of the petrol flap saying a min of 98 ron is recommended so i've been using 99 ron since I got it. Would I notice any difference using normal 95 ron? What are the consequences?

  2. #2
    Regular Member Celes's Avatar
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    Vehicle : Opel Signum

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    Engine : 3.0 CDTI

    Year : 12/03


    I filled up a VXR with 95ron and it ran fine.

  3. #3
    Regular Member gibbon7000's Avatar
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    you will notice a loss in power, over time might cause damage to injectors

  4. #4
    Regular Member Maverick's Avatar
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    The Vectra VXR will of course run on 95 Ron fuel but as already stated it will lose power. The ECU on this car runs a map that learns from the fuel it runs on, basically if you are using 98 or 99 fuel, with each tank the ECU will advance the ignition and other parameters to ensure the car gives optimum power etc.

    As soon as you fill the car with 95 Ron fuel, the system resets itself and reigns everything back in, so the car will feel a little flatter, it will then take about 3-4 tanks to get back where you were. According to Stuart Harris who was the VXR brand manager, the Vectra VXR should never be run on 95 fuel. I have witnessed a VXR280 running on 99 pull 282 BHP on a rolling road, then fill up with 95, run for 50 miles and put back on the rolling road and then produced 259 BHP.

    I know that the above is about Vectra VXR, but Insignia has a very similar function so 98/99 fuel should always be used.

    I know other cars in the Vauxhall range have learning facilities but the Vectra VXR is the only one that actually makes fundamental changes.
    Last edited by Maverick; 13th November 2010 at 09:38.

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