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Thread: 04 cdti 150 New inlet manifold + egr but still problems

  1. #1
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    Default 04 cdti 150 New inlet manifold + egr but still problems

    My last post had problems with the car refusing to rev low down.
    Turned out that the rod had sheared off top of the manifold.

    Took into local garage as needed car back asap - paid £540 for new replacement inlet manifold and £90 for new egr.

    Had the car back for 2 days and noticed it wasn't pulling like it used too, yes it would now rev up but it felt sluggish as though the turbo wasn't kicking in. Also noticed that the temp guage stayed on cold all the time.
    Had to drop it down gears when the revs dropped just to get it going eg 30mph in 4th foot down nothing so had to go for 2nd.

    Driving on A1 car lost all power and was resricted to about 20mph coasted for 1 mile off A1 and then car refused to start full stop.

    Now I know a controller for flaps was not fitted he kept old one on could this be the source of the problem? Any ideas chaps


  2. #2
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    Vehicle : CDTI 150

    Trim : Design

    Engine : Z19DTH

    Year : 2005


    Pierburg recommend replacing the swirl flap motor.
    But normally will still start.
    Get it back to the garage, removing the inlet manifold requires disturbing the fuel pump, this has a woodruff key, if not put back will cause issues. May have worked for a while due to interference fit.

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