Any ideads how this had got there. It is 100% becuase of the rain as i have never had one before and since it was really bad rain yesterday it seems to be inside aswell :/. Iv cleaned all the vent things.
Any ideads how this had got there. It is 100% becuase of the rain as i have never had one before and since it was really bad rain yesterday it seems to be inside aswell :/. Iv cleaned all the vent things.
By the pollen filter there is a drain hole via a large rubber pipe that might be blocked with "junk" and leaves, there is also another drain hole on the right hand side (drivers) bulkhead. Be carefull of the water leaking into the footwell, as it has been known to run onto the resistor pack for the heater and "ruin" it.
Damm When i bought the car it had a wet floor so i looked streight at this. It hasnt done it in about 3 months but did it again yesterday. So ill have to have a look later after work. Hope its nothing bad.
Also check the coolent level. Does the "wet" smell like antifreeze. It is not imposible for the heater matrix to have devloped a leak.
I pushed an off cut of hose pipe into my drain hole so it stays 'open'
You want to make sure that your heater motor doesn't start to rust.This will slow it down and cause the heater resistor to burn out.To make sur it has a fighting chance after being wet through,give it a good spraying with WD40 through the pollen filter access.
I did mine after it had the same thing happen after a car wash,it kept blowing fuses on the resistor,after the treatment it was fine.FELIXX.![]()
there is a great how 2 fix the resistor pack on here 79 pence from maplin if its blown
Felixx why would the motor start to rust with me keeping the drain hole open?
Once the water ingress has soaked your carpet in the passenger side,it's a good bet,that on it's way in,it flooded the blower motor.If this has happened,the bearing on the fan motor starts to rust and consequently puts a greater load on the blower motor,which in turn makes the resistor work harder to turn the motor.This heats the resistor up and the thermal fuse burns out.The blower then only works on settings 1 and 4.You lose 2 and 3.(There is a "HOW 2" on this repair for 75p).Spraying the blower motor helps protect it from rusting up and starting this process from happening.I'm not saying this will happen to you,but I went through 3 resistor packs before I did the 75p repair and that was 18 months ago.Hope this helps.FELIXX.![]()
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