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Thread: P1481 error code - can't fix on CDTI 120 Vectra C

  1. #1
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    Unhappy P1481 error code - can't fix on CDTI 120 Vectra C


    I have a 2005/2006 Vectra C 120HP diesel including partikel filter. I got the following code: P1481 and have of course searched the forums and google for help.

    1) Went to the dealer as the engine sign lighted up - they told me it was the left fan on the water cooler.
    2) Went to my own mechanic and we tested the fans on his test equipment. It showed that boths fans could run. Out of the 4 stages we could however not get 2 of the 4 speeds to work. Then our best suggestion was to
    3) Renew the electric between the two fans for the cooler as both fans could run. Did not fix.
    4) Should I now renew the very expensive left fan motor?

    kind regards,


  2. #2
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    Year : 0000


    Here is a wiring diagram for the controller of the fans.

    Have you checked both the fuses under the bonnet? F35 (50A), F36(30A) ?

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