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So why should people get money for nothing? Many many genuine claimers out there who are just "passing through" the system but unfortunately there are thousands out there who have never worked, have no want to work or who are making fraudulent claims by claiming and working on the side for cash. Why should they get an easy ride?
Im proud to say that at the age of almost 40 I have been unemployed for the sum total of 2 weeks since the age of 12. I watched a couple of my friends sit at home for years doing SFA yet they had a 42" Panasonic Plasma TV 8 years ago, while on benefits, they went to Euro Disney on holiday twice in one year, whilst on benefits...... How can anyone class them as being poor?
Forced Labour is not illegal, the courts hand it out daily. it wouldn't be forced labour anyway, but part of a contract. Basically "Want your Giro? Well you'll need to turn up and complete some work to qualify for it" Funny my employer says the same to me "Want a Salary? Well you'll need to turn up and complete some work to quailfy for it" Whats the difference? Nothing. One is paid for by an employer, the other is paid for by employees of employers paying tax to the government.
As for costing us money well it would put people into work. 1 person could be employed on a full time basis to supervise 10 people. So that's 1 person off benefits paying tax and another 10 people putting something back into the system. What would they do I here you say. There's always litter to be picked up, there's always graffiti to be removed, there's always old people who would appreciate a day out of their care homes etc.... There's plenty for them to do.
Fully agree with Big Rich too, well to a certain extent. You cant get in to our country unless your going to contribute. This claiming political asylum half way up the M4 hanging out the back of a lorry is a joke. Instead of giving them a furnished house and benefits take them straight back to France, why should it be our problem? If your not paying tax and are of employable age, sorry but GTF!