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Thread: Could be In Trouble - 2 Red Lights

  1. #1
    Regular Member Exclusive BV's Avatar
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    Default Could be In Trouble - 2 Red Lights

    Was out and about in Cannock today, My eldest son started complaining of serious abdominal pains, went on for 1/2 hour and was getting worse.

    Took him to the local Hospital (cannock) took 10 mins to park up the car and get him inside.
    We were told that they could'nt treat him as they are only a minor injury unit and did'nt have doctors. Nobody seemed bothered

    He was screaming in pain at this stage, so back into the car to drive to stafford, The traffic in cannock was terrible, I went through two red lights (on purpose). There was no danger and I slowed right down to make sure.

    I was seriously worried at this stage that his appendix was about to go. I realised it was going to take a long time so I phoned an ambulance and followed it with my son and wife on board into Stafford general.

    The lad is back home now and he seems fine, we have to wait for the results of a blood test next week. Dont know what caused it

    Who reckons i'll get points?

  2. #2
    Regular Member Grumpy1954's Avatar
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    Hard one, they'll likely say at the Cannock hospital you should have called for the ambulance and explained it was urgent rather than try to take him yourself.
    If you do get tickets you could put this down as mitigating conditions and ask for it to be taken into account.
    My ex was in heavy labour once, too her to Wellington maternity, they said she wasn't booked in so had to go to Shrewsbury, no ambulances so I took her and wasn't too worried about speed limits so I know where you're coming from.
    Hope you're son is OK.

  3. #3
    Ex Vec-C Admin ed taylor's Avatar
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    For going through a RED you could loose your licence. But there needs to be proof that you did "ie" a camera or a police officer witnessing you doing it.
    But if it did go to court you do have what I would call mittigating circumstances. Where you needed to get your lad to hospital ASAP. How this would stand up in court I don,t know. But with a bit of luck you have nothing to worry about exept your concience, and all will be ok. Fingers crossed.

  4. #4
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    i'd say make sure you can obtain medical records if needed for a court appearance, when my partner when into labour i set a 50mph camera off on a dual carriageway at 10pm, ambulance people told me they'd be over an hour hence driving her in, wrote them a letter with my who was driving, they contacted me to say as long as i provide medical notes in court, a judge will see it as exceptional circumstances, the ambulance company also had my call tracked and details and were able to provide me details of them being unable to attend soon enough
    gathered evidence went to court and was let off.

  5. #5
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    Were you charged at the roadside?

    If these locations have automated red light offence cameras
    Wait for the disclosure notices to arrive within 14 days

    You may be able to claim extenuating circumstances
    You were in the process of transporting an injured or diseased person, to, from or between places of treatment; this in effect classifies your vehicle as an ambulance
    Check the local traffic order to ensure it includes exemption for a vehicle used for the purposes of an ambulance

    Obtain details of all the witnesses, from both hospitals

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    If it was such a medical emergancy you should have called an ambulance, or the hospital should have arranged one. I read somewhere that even an emergancy vechicle does not have right of way through a red light, they can go through it if it is safe and the traffic allows it.

    Hope your son is ok

  7. #7
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    If the police didn't see you or you didn't trigger a traffic signal camera, then you've nothing to worry about.
    Hope your lad is ok !

    Have consideration for the deaf, if you're gunna fart, make it smell !

  8. #8
    Regular Member Exclusive BV's Avatar
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    There were cameras on both of them. They were both pedestrian crossings with nobody on them, the people had already crossed and left.

    I guess I'll just have to wait and see

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    Quote Originally Posted by Exclusive BV View Post
    There were cameras on both of them. They were both pedestrian crossings with nobody on them, the people had already crossed and left.

    I guess I'll just have to wait and see
    I would say that they would take an even stricter stance on them I got fined as a kid going through one on a bike when they were red

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    If you have been caught - I'm sure 1 Red light is 6points so you are facing a ban however if I had a son and he was suffering the pain yours was I would be just as worried.

    Hope it is all ok in the end.


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