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Thread: Vectra Servicing - Eco-Flex

  1. #1
    Regular Member denzo's Avatar
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    Default Vectra Servicing - Eco-Flex

    Just out of interest ... apologies for another post on this topic

    If you have Eco-Flex Servicing on your vehicle:

    Do you:

    (1) Wait until the Service indicator appears before getting your car serviced?

    (2) Get worried about the time and get it serviced before the indicator says to?

    And ...

    (3) How old is your car and how many services has it had?

    (4) What was the cost of the Vx Eco-Flex service / geographical location?

    I think I am going to wait until my car tells me it needs a service

    Does anyone know why Vx are (have) dropped the Eco-Flex service in 2005?

  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin / Founder Duncan's Avatar
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    In reply to the questions....

    1) Yes, wait until the service indicator appears. It will pop up after 10,000 miles or 12 months since last service. You definitely are on EcoService? You can tell by pushing in the trip reset on the dash with the ignition off and if a number appears then you are on EcoFLex and that is the current mileage until the service is due. (Apologies if I'm telling you how to suck eggs!!)

    2) Answered above

    3) Had a service when I bought it (car 11 months old). Had it serviced a year later and switched to ECOFLex as it had been switched to ECOService by the dealer I bought it from.

    4) Not sure as I got my first service (2 year service) free of charge by the dealer I bought from as they messed me around a bit with things that needed sorting out with the car.

    I think Vx dropped it because it was causing too much hassle!! I think they just decided it was easier to revert back to the simpler option.



  3. #3
    Regular Member Stewie's Avatar
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    Not sure what mine is set to, but its a Sept 04:54 done 14.5k and will be having its second service on 8th September when its exactly 1 year old.

    Luckily a good mate of mine is a Vauxhall specialist and a very good one too.

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