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View Poll Results: HAVE YOUR SAY

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  • Yes to Pay-as-you-GO

    2 8.70%
  • No to Pay-as-you-GO

    21 91.30%
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Thread: 'Pay-as-you-go' road charge plan

  1. #1
    Regular Member 2ltrT's Avatar
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    Default 'Pay-as-you-go' road charge plan

    Anyone watch Tonight with Trevor McDonald? RE: 'Pay-as-you-go' road charge plan?

    What are your opinions on it?

    I think it’s absolutely ridiculous, if they want to reduce congestion stop digging the blooming road up!!!

  2. #2
    Regular Member chunkster's Avatar
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    personally i think the best way around this is to abolish road atx and put fuel up, that way people who do alot of driving either through work or personal pay more in fuel bills, those who only go to the shop onece a week only pay for that use - only my opinion but it seems fair to me

  3. #3
    Regular Member steph79's Avatar
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    Roads are in bad condition because most mojor roads were built around the same time, meaning the wear at the same time.The contractors give the goverment an estimated time that the surface will last with average use, we all know we use our cars above average. The goverment will only repair sections of road as they see fit, ie motorways. They should try taking a drive around some of the roads in the south west of Scotland. The A77,A76,A71,A70 to name a few, the roads around here are not in bad condition they are Dangerous!
    Its about time they spent some of the road tax, speeding fines, parking fines, any fine relating to transport/roads on the roads, it would maybe cut down on there compo bills for wheels and suspension from me!

  4. #4
    Ex-Staff Full Member big phil's Avatar
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    I didn't see it but IMO we get taxed enough already without more taxes adding to the problem !!!!!
    As i said i didn't see the programme tonight but i'm assuming their gonna tax the motorway network ?, which in its self is the worse thing they can do !! look at the m6 toll .... no one uses it hardly .... all you'll gret is everyone will travel on 'A' roads thus making them vary unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists , turning 180 degrees on what they built the blooming motorways for in the 1st place

    But lets face it they want the money !! nothing to do with the roads !! if they wanted to improve the roads they would'ave done it a long while ago !!

    god dam money grabbing gits !!!!

    Watch the truck pull on youtube --

  5. #5
    Vectra-C Obsessed Poster Drinky's Avatar
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    on your momma !!!!!!!!!
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    god dam money grabbing gits !!!![/QUOTE]

    well said that man i do on average well over 100,000 miles a year now i know the company pay for the fuel but they are already trying to find alternative modes of transport for us to use e.g. trains coaches etc etc this would just play into there hands and probably force them to re-evaluate how many men they need leading to job cuts and all that which is NOT good also how many small haulier firms will this effect ??????

    about time the government looked at the big picture i think !!!!!

    Back in a V6 !!!!!!!!!!!! And lovin it !!!

  6. #6
    Regular Member JCB's Avatar
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    Oh, I forgot to remember!
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    we already pay as we go - via fuel - there is no need to alter a system that works fine (if a touch expensive) already.

    And as an added bonus we also pay for how we drive - the harder we drive the more fuel we use - the more money the goverment gets to pay for illegal wars (another storey)...

    I just dont see the point in altering a system that is already in place - it'll cost billions to set up a satellite system etc. to see where we are - it is just easier to tax fuel...

  7. #7
    Regular Member Ste's Avatar
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    Several points come to mind on this.

    Firstly, the transponder will cost money. New cars will come with them already fitted (at very small extra cost). Older cars will need them fitting, this will cost a considerable amount more. Who owns older cars? - lower paid people, as they are cheaper to buy etc etc. Shouldn't the Gov be helping those on lower incomes and not burdening them even more? - Result is that some cars do not get fitted with transponders (as owner can't afford it) and then £££ to find these cars, fine owners, etc etc

    Second, If all roads are taxed based on journey times and lengths etc. Obviously fuel prices will plummet (as the revenue is now raised through road usage and not on fuel) result - fuel cost now not important in journey, so bigger engines using more fuel = more emissions = more impact to health and environment = more people sick = higher health care costs = more expense = more taxes raised elsewhere = etc etc

    Who will be the first to move, trick transponders? Shortcutting / invisible cars?? Transponder left at home?? = tax avoidance would be easy and common. = revenue not as expected = price goes up = more evade = spiral etc

    Do the Gov think about the bigger picture or just spit out the first thing that comes into their head.

    I agree something has to be done regarding congestion relief, and it is good that they are considering radical approaches. I just think that this one has been ill thought through and is not a workable or practical solution.

  8. #8
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    end of the day the govement have got us drives by the ba**s and not a thing we can do they sting us 4 petrol and sting us 4 car tax its ok 4 them as they props get all there tax/petrol paid 4 them or get reinbursed for it. how would they like it if they were on low paid income like some ppl and see if they could manage with all the **** the gov come out with

  9. #9
    Regular Member Trel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chunkster
    personally i think the best way around this is to abolish road atx and put fuel up, that way people who do alot of driving either through work or personal pay more in fuel bills, those who only go to the shop onece a week only pay for that use - only my opinion but it seems fair to me
    This would then cost me more to cut the grass!. Would have to get an electric mower!

  10. #10
    Regular Member chunkster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trel
    This would then cost me more to cut the grass!. Would have to get an electric mower!

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