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Thread: Brakes

  1. #1
    Regular Member 2ltrT's Avatar
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    Default Brakes

    I think i've bought a dud

    First my clutch/gears
    now my brakes!

    If i press my brake pedal whilst engine is off, it feels perfect, solid with no dropping.

    now if i start the engine, and do the same, the pedal feels like sponge, and if i pump it a bit it'll go solid, but if i keep pressing the pedal it starts dropping untill it hits the floor.

    now i have tried bleeding it, obviously i havn't the equptment to bleed abs, but i bled the main lines anyway, checked for leaks and all is fine... and its no different at all.

    I got a new car so i wouldnt have any trouble too!

    I know i should just take it back, but i hate garages, they have no respect for your car, they have you wait around for ages, they tell you that every thing is fine when it obviously isnt or they tell you its fixxed and you drive away and the problem reoccurs.

  2. #2
    Ex Vec-C Admin & Founder GARY3306's Avatar
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    Everything you describe there sounds like normal servo action, apart from 'the pedal hitting the floor'. Are you exagerating a bit or does it really touch the floorboards? The correct sequence for a servo check is as follows: With engine off, press the pedal several times until the servo is depleted (you should have a brilliant feeling high and hard pedal). Keeping normal pressure on the pedal, start the engine, and the pedal should travel down markedly. When it stops travelling, switch off the engine but keep your foot on the pedal for a further 10 seconds. There should be no more movement of the pedal (if there is, and certainly if it travels to the floor there is a fault (obviously)). Now release the pedal and pump it, you should have 3 to 5 presses before the servo depletes. If you get hold of 4 proper brake hose clamps and clamp off all four flexi brake hoses at each wheel, the pedal should then be rock hard whatever the circumstances (engine off/engine running). If the pedal creeps with all four flexis clamped, then the brake master cylinder seals are shot and you will need a new master cylinder. Hope all this helps a bit. If you need to know any more PM me mate.
    [SIGPIC]VX<font color=Red>R</font> with added Courtenay <img src= border=0 alt= title=Big Grin class=inlineimg />

  3. #3
    Regular Member 2ltrT's Avatar
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    just been through that procedure and it does everyting but....

    quote: "When it stops travelling".... it doesn't.

    the pedal keeps going down slowly untill it hits somthing... and it gives a slight clunk if lifted and press down again.
    It dosn't quite touch the floor but i would't like to have my finder under it, its that close.

    I hope its nothing major like master cylinder, hopefully its just air.

    thanks for you help m8
    much appreciated,

  4. #4
    Regular Member cyb's Avatar
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    If it worries you (and it would me) take it back to any vx garage.

    If you hate waiting phone them first and book it in and ask for a loan car so you can bob off into town with the missis or something.

    You have paid for a car that should be 100% ok and you should give your vauxhall dealer a chance to give you 100% satisfaction.

    If one dealer is not good enough go to another there are many good VX dealers who will be more than happy to help keep you as a Vauxhall customer.


  5. #5
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    mick if you have no luck at bramalls, try drive vauxhall at redcar, they come and collect my car if it has to go in for anything and they also give it a wash, polish and a hoover out then bring it back to wherever you want it.
    that maybe cos i bought it there but you never know

  6. #6
    Regular Member 2ltrT's Avatar
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    just been there today
    spoke to workshop manager (keith) and he got in and he looked a little conserned when the pedal hit the deck....
    he took it for a run and then said naa its ok... but i have doubts...

    i went to bramalls, they said, it'll have to be booked in for 2weeks time, i told them they are taking having a laugh. were talking brakes not a scratch on the boot!

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    does anybody know if its possible to do a full abs bleed without tech2?

  8. #8
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    Yes I bled the brakes on my 2ltr SXI using a standard easybleed pressure bleed kit. The sort that uses pressure from the one of the tyres. In fact I changed the brake fluid completely as part of the spec for the 20k service. I do my own servicing by the way don't like dealers either.

    Have you checked whether there's a fluid leak anywhere in the system? Is the fluid resevoir full to the top? It could even be contaminated fluid as a long shot I guess but probably unlikely. Are the brakes working efficiently or do they 'fade' under heavy braking? Agree with previous post about clamping all four hoses at the wheels as a test, sound a sensible diagnosis trick to use, should work.

    Don't let it put you off the car it's only a brake fault which ought to be fairly easily fixable.

    You don't say whether it's under warranty, if not i'd be inclined to find a brake specialist or local garage with a good track record for this one. In my experience you get a better service and cheaper.

    Hope you get it sorted.

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